

在过去的五年里,混合式学习计划得到了 安德鲁·W. 梅隆基金会, 为超过50门人文和人文社会科学课程的混合学习项目提供便利. 这项倡议包括在教学中创新地使用技术, 皇冠体育在文科环境中使用技术支持密切师生关系的对话, 以及在皇冠体育为混合式学习建立一个长期的组织支持结构. Some activities that the grant supported include the development of new blended learning courses; the creation of blended learning content for existing courses; the organization of workshops, 演讲, and round table discussions; funding for faculty conference travel as well as faculty stipends; student research assistance and the purchase of essential materials needed for course development; as well as assessment of the effectiveness of the integration of technology in blended learning courses.

查看我们的视频蒙太奇 展示精选的早期混合学习项目.

请注意,截至2019年12月,梅隆大学资助的混合式学习计划已经结束. 请联系David O'Steen寻求混合式学习项目的帮助.