Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals


请注意,截至2019年12月,梅隆大学资助的混合式学习计划已经结束. This page remains for historical reference. 请联系David O'Steen或Helpdesk寻求混合式学习项目的帮助.

呼吁为人文学科的混合学习项目提出建议, humanistic social sciences, and interdisciplinary or co-designed projects

请将混合式学习和/或数字奖学金项目的建议发送给我们. 该项目的主要目的应是整合数码工具,以改善学生的学习及/或教学方法. Faculty may propose to: design a new course; entirely overhaul an existing course by introducing to it new digital tools; or develop specific course components to facilitate a particular learning goal or to overcome a teaching challenge.


Please send your proposal to Evelina Guzauskyte ( and David O’Steen ( For examples of previous projects, see the Projects Gallery. You'll also find additional information on the Resources page.

What should the proposal include?

The 1-2 page proposal should include the following:

1. A description of the pedagogical goals in the course. 请具体说明您所选择的混合学习方法和/或您所想到的特定数字工具将如何增强您的课程.

2. 请提及您想到的任何特定的数字工具、平台或方法.g. digital zines; clickable digital texts; video essays, etc.).

3. Basic information about your course. Is this a new or an existing course? When do you plan to teach it (e.g. Spring 2018)?

4. 您是否有能力与LTS工作人员(例如)合作开发项目.g. during the winter break, during the fall semester).

5. A budget. Specify anticipated expenses, such as the number of hours of student research assistance, 用于购买准备课程混合学习部分的材料的资金(注:补助金不包括硬件购买), 以及其他与混合式学习发展或课程的数字奖学金部分直接相关的费用.

强烈建议教师向LTS的David O 'Steen咨询, 最好是在提案提交之前或之后不久, to discuss project goals and development. Please contact David O’Steen ( to set up this meeting.

在公布的截止日期前提交的所有提案都将自动被考虑为课程开发津贴,该津贴将支付给开发该项目的教师. Past stipend amounts have ranged, roughly, from a few hundred dollars to $3,000 for the more involved and extensive projects. 每个提案都是根据手头任务的规模仔细考虑的, 教师开发和实施项目所需的时间, 和/或教师可能需要花时间来自学所选的数字工具和/或数字教学方法, as may be appropriate.

We are very grateful to ER&感谢他们今年继续支持混合式学习项目.

In addition to monetary support, faculty are invited to take advantage of support from LTS, the Office of Institutional Research, and the Quantitative Analysis Institute. In particular, LTS工作人员将与感兴趣的教师密切合作,以帮助概念化, create, and manage projects. Support includes instructional design, selection of appropriate technology, and video recording and editing, among others.

Send your completed proposal to Evelina Guzauskyte ( and David O’Steen (

Other Funding Opportunities


Blended learning events

In the past, we have co-sponsored events such as talks and workshops, organized by faculty members about topics in blended learning, digital scholarship, and digital humanities. 如果你想带一个演讲者来造福你研究领域的同事或更广泛的大学观众, please apply to us for co-sponsorship.

Faculty conference travel

Funds are also available for faculty conference travel, 只要参加会议的目的与混合式学习明确相关, digital scholarship, and/or digital humanities. 参加以学习/数字奖学金/数字人文学科为重点的研讨会或小组的请求也将被考虑资助.


Other requests


Helpful Information

Eligible disciplines

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation supports work in the humanities and the arts. In addition, 社会科学家的工作是明确的历史和/或人文和从事定性方法也有资格申请. 美国学术团体理事会给出的例子可能有助于这一倡议的目的:“[…]社会科学领域的提案[…]只有在主要采用人文主义方法和定性/解释性方法(如:科学研究)的情况下才符合资格.g.(经济史、法律与文学、政治哲学、心理历史).” ( In addition, 团队授课的人文/艺术课程,以及科学或社会科学学科也符合申请资格.

What do we mean by blended learning?

“混合式学习”在这里被理解为包括广泛的教学方法,其中使用数字工具来提高学生的学习或教师的教学, or both. Previously, faculty have developed blended projects that involved the use of video for teaching writing skills; guiding students through small-scale digital scholarship or digital humanities projects as a way of teaching research methods; creating authentic, culturally rich audiovisual materials for foreign language classrooms; involving students in collaborative digital editing projects; and using the flipped classroom technique to increase meaningful student participation in the classroom, among others. One thing we see repeatedly in blended courses, in addition to innovative uses of digital tools, 为了创造额外的空间,课堂时间(有时是家庭作业)的使用方式是否发生了有意义的转变, as well as new paths, for student learning and intellectual inquiry.