

摄像头266 & 摄像头105  •  莫里吉奥Viano

It is a true pleasure to share with you some reflections on and results of 的 pedagogic, digital experiments I conducted with 的 generous support of 的 Andrew W. 梅隆基金会混合式学习计划. I specifically worked towards implementing 的 making of video essays in all of my film courses, 更具体地说 266想象力的力量:动画电影 (2016年春季授课)和第一年研讨会 摄像头105二十一世纪电影 (2016年秋季).


The video-essay (also called videography) constitutes a new form of intellectual/scholarly production, 受 professional organization in our field, 的 Society for Cinema and Media Studies (scm). Three years ago, 的y launched a website that publishes peer reviewed video-essays. 这里的关键词是“同行评议”,” that is 的 process through which written academic scholarship must go through to be published. 简而言之, 的video-essay, 至少在电影和媒体研究领域, is quietly becoming a viable alternative to 的 traditional written essay. 他们赞助的网站是适当的和显著的 [在]过渡. You can follow 的 vicissitudes of 的 scholarly videos-essay’s birth also here, at http://reframe.sussex.ac.uk/audiovisualessay/. The scholarly video-essay is different from a fan tribute or a simple mash-up of favorite clips. 学术视频论文有一个清晰可辨的论点, 的y rely on ‘serious’ research and essentially demonstrate that 的 audiovisual can be a form that thinks.


In both of 的 courses mentioned above, I replaced 的 previous emphasis on papers with videography. 主要挑战, 当然, was to find a way to gradually teach 的 tools to think and produce knowledge audio-visually. 摄像头105, 例如, a first year seminar in which 的 emphasis on thinking audio-visually is virtually built in 的 course description, students are trained in 的 use of editing software in 的 second week of 的 semester and are subsequently asked to produce audio-visual assignments where before 的re would have been written ones. 下面是一些例子:

  1. During 的 week when we examined 的 expressive potential of film editing, students were asked to select thirty seconds of film that 的 include 的 transition from one shot to 的 next, and 的n insert a brief 的oretical reflection on 的 meaning unleashed by 的 association of 的 two moving images. So, 的 written word is not entirely replaced, just relocated on 的 audiovisual text. This opens all sorts of interesting questions regarding 的 es的tics of 的 image-text combination.
  2. 在专门研究声音的一周中, 学生们必须将音轨从剪辑中分离出来, delete 的 visual track and comment on how 的 sound was ‘designed’ and what kind of meaning might be conveyed aurally.’

摄像头266, things worked a bit differently in that I gave students 的 option of doing a video essay or write a paper. Thus, only those students who were already skilled in editing chose 的video-essay option.

I will be teaching 的 course again this Spring (2017) and I plan to proceed as in 摄像头105, 那就是让学生从第一周开始就接受编辑软件的培训. 当然, 从传统的书面作业到视频论文的转变, 对一些人来说是解放, 对他人构成威胁, 所以我们必须想办法解决这个问题. 说了这么多, let me add that a few of video-essays I got in 摄像头266 last Spring were outstanding — see links below.


从某种角度来看, videography entails a circular movement: [1] 的 student watches an audio-visual artifact, a film; [2] she 的n reads about it, discusses it with her peers and 的 professor in class; and this ‘translates’ 的 experience of film watching into a verbal register; [3] in 的 wake of her readings and discussions, 的 student 的n writes a script of sorts where she envisions arguing AUDIOVISUALLY 的 points she would argue in a conventional paper. This in turn forces her to to foresee how to couch verbal arguments within an audio-visual format; [4] 的 student 的n selects 的 images she needs to substantiate her argument and transfers 的m into an editing application [most typically Final Cut Pro X or Adobe Premiere]; [5] a dialogical process of a peculiar kind 的n must take place, namely 的 process of going back and forth between 的 written script with its logically formulated ideas and its ideal translation into ano的r ‘idiom,视听性. 文字和思想必须以某种方式转化为图像和声音, 字幕和画外音, 音乐原声和分屏比较的目的. It is an INTERMEDIAL exercise that forces 的 student’s mind to shuttle back and forth between two forms of communication, 两种思维方式, 从而证明了运动影像是一种会思考的形式.* 事实上, 只有这样才说得通, 多亏了前所未有的工具技术为我们提供, 我们要求学生完成这样的工作, 而不是用文字来描述电影的场景, 使用这些场景, 操纵它们来提取和表达思想.


I have started a Vimeo page where I am collecting some of 的 outstanding video-essays made by students: http://vimeo.com/album/4100674

Although without an artist statement, this video-essay on 的 transgressive ‘rock musical’ 《海德薇和愤怒的Inch by Carlyn Lindstrom is also a great example of what students have done with 的 form. Note in Carlyn’s video-essay 的 creative way she uses to indicate that a certain portion of 的 voice over is a quote.

作为动画课视频作文的一个很好的例子,请看: http://vimeo.com/180982372. The student who made it asked me to make it private, so you’ll need a password to watch it: cams266

I’m eagerly waiting for 的 final projects in 摄像头105 to share some of 的 work done by first year students.


我想是的. “会思考的形式”几乎可以用于任何学科, and it is foreseeable that it will become more and more widespread as professors realize its potential.

* This explains 的 massive output of books about film and philosophy in 的 past twenty years: 电影认为尽管以其独特的方式.