



Why is it in our best interest to have an Honor Code?

荣誉守则是基于皇冠体育社区的每一个成员的诚信和成熟的信念. 荣誉守则是一种承诺,促进学术诚信和社区信任,并为韦尔斯利的学生提供独特的特权.  Some of these privileges include self-scheduled exams, open-stack libraries, all dorm access, and guest policies. The community commitment to honesty, integrity, 尊重有助于在课堂内外建立一个信任的社区. 


What is the difference between the Honor Code and the Code of Student Conduct?

The Honor Code is a commitment we all make to the Wellesley community; to act with honesty, integrity, and respect - to others, to ourselves, to the spirit of Wellesley, and to the physical community.  The Honor Code is what it means to be a Wellesley student.  《皇冠体育官网》有助于理解遵守《皇冠体育》的意义, in and out of the classroom, 以及用于确定学生行为是否符合学院政策或社区期望的程序. 


I received an email letter from Maxient, what do I do?

皇冠体育使用安全系统Maxient来管理所有荣誉守则的信件和记录.  来自这个系统的电子邮件是安全的,你应该点击链接打开你的信.  这封信将概述任何指称的违规行为以及如何与行政协调员会面的指示.  本次会议是讨论您在《皇冠体育》流程中的权利和责任的初步对话,也是您分享您的观点并就接下来发生的事情提出任何问题的机会.  There is nothing you need to do to prepare for this meeting; it is just a conversation about what to expect. 

Do the Honor Code and Code of Student Conduct apply to off campus activities? 

韦尔斯利的学生无论在校还是校外都要遵守荣誉守则和学生行为守则.  此外,学生应该遵守他们所处环境的规则.  学生们必须记住,他们是卫尔斯理学院的代表,他们的行为举止应该反映卫尔斯理的高标准. 

Will an Honor Code charge impact my status as an international student?

简单地收取费用不会影响签证状态,但一些制裁可能会影响国际学生的移民身份.  建议国际学生咨询斯莱特国际中心主任, Advisor to International Students and Scholars.

Are faculty and staff bound by the Honor Code?

No, the Honor Code Council only hears cases concerning students.  教师 and staff at Wellesley are expected to uphold the spirit of the Honor Code in their classrooms and in their work; to live the values of honesty, integrity, and respect.  Concerns about faculty or staff are addressed through Human Resources, department heads, and staff supervisors.  


How much can students talk about exams?

Wellesley has a unique system of self-scheduled and unsupervised exams.  In order to ensure each student experiences equitable testing conditions, students are barred from speaking about an exam with any student.  这包括对考试的难度、内容、形式、主题或任何其他方面的讨论.  然而, as common sense dictates, 完成同一门考试的两个或两个以上的学生可以讨论该门考试,前提是他们不与其他学生在一起或在其他学生周围. 


Who is responsible for enforcing the Honor Code?

皇冠体育社区的每个成员都有责任通过遵守荣誉守则来发展一个信任的社区.  This includes students, faculty, and administrative staff members.  If individuals have any questions, they are encouraged to contact the Chief Justice, the Administrative Coordinator, members of the Honor Code Council, or the Dean of Students.  


How does confidentiality fit in with the Honor Code?

对于提交给荣誉守则委员会的事项和问题,我们会尽一切努力予以保密.  除非根据教育法第九章的规定,或者有紧急的安全问题, all Honor Code matters are kept private.  All members of the Honor Code Council, 以及任何其他参与荣誉守则程序的人,包括顾问和证人, will hold strict confidentiality.  任何不遵守《皇冠体育》和/或《皇冠体育》的学生都可能被起诉.   


Who is notified of Honor Code charges and violations?

Please review section VII of the Code of Student Conduct for complete details.  

所有荣誉守则案例的汇总结果将每年报告给学生参议院和学术委员会.  保密工作将得到保证,与案件有关的任何当事人的身份都不会被泄露.  荣誉守则案件的结果、决定或其他记录的通知可能会发给学院内有教育需要的个人, such as a student’s Class Dean. 

荣誉守则记录由行政协调员以电子方式维护,与学生的学业成绩单分开, though considered part of a student’s educational record.  除非导致停学,否则不会在成绩单上注明违反《皇冠体育》的行为, dismissal, or expulsion.  

Educational records, including Honor Code records, 未经学生授权或法律允许,学院不得向学院以外的第三方提供.  Students applying to law schools, med schools, graduate schools, 或需要背景调查的就业机会可能会被要求披露其纪律史并签署学院的免责声明.  申请人必须诚实地回答在这些申请中被问到的任何问题.  根据FERPA的规定,学生院长办公室负责回应第三方个人或机构的纪律记录要求. The full College statement on FERPA is available on the Office of the Registrar website. 

What are the most common violations and penalties?

The most common Honor Code violations are academic in nature, specifically plagiarism and inappropriate collaboration.  惩罚的范围通常从作业不及格到课程不及格, depending on the circumstances and intent.  

教师在课堂上对外部资源的适当使用以及与其他学生的合作程度有不同的期望.  It is important for students to understand the expectations for each class. 

At times during the semester, particularly during exam periods, students can feel a great deal of academic pressure.  Since you cannot always talk with other students, where can you turn?  不讨论考试的义务不应该阻止你寻求帮助来管理学业压力.  你的教师,助教,学术成功教练(ASCs)和 Pforzheimer Learning and Teaching Center (PLTC) are available to help students academically during the semester.  Additionally, the Stone Center, your Community Director, or the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life are all support resources available to you.