


卡特林的权力 09年,可持续发展企业家  更多的

凯特林是One Earth Designs的联合创始人兼首席运营官, a community inspired innovation company that has engineered multiple social and environmental projects. 他们的第一件产品, SolSource, is a high-performance parabolic solar concentrator that harnesses the energy of the sun for outdoor cooking, which was developed in collaboration with Himalayan families. 今年夏天, One Earth Designs筹得142美元,000 on Kickstarter to bring this product to market in the U.S. Catlin is also pursuing a PhD in environmental health sciences at the Harvard University School of Public Health and has won awards from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 美国环境保护署, 以及美国国家科学基金会.

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Serena Ryan, 11岁,环境健康研究员  更多的

瑟琳娜毕业后, she used funds from the Madeleine Albright Institute to intern with an environmental non-profit based in Cameroon, 努力促进资源的可持续利用, 减少贫困, 保护供水. 2011年秋天, she started work for a private consulting firm in Northborough, MA, where she provided technical support on environmental remediation projects throughout the country. In June 2013 Serena transitioned to her current “dream job” as a 研究 Assistant at Silent Spring Institute, an independent environmental health research group based in Newton, MA. Her current work focuses on coordinating research related to environmental exposure and human health.

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卡特琳娜·胡恩-韦斯,2003年毕业,自由制片人  更多的

作为一名专注于电影和媒体研究的ES专业学生, 卡特琳娜的职业是制片人, writer and educator promoting environmental themes in her work. Recently, she co-produced the “Habitat Havoc” episode for the Emmy-Award Winning 美国公共电视台 show, SciGirls. 在这些自由职业项目之间, 卡特里娜还与湖泊气候组织合作, 有限责任公司, a climate change finance and policy organization started by her spouse and based in Minneapolis. Her family recently moved back to Minneapolis after living abroad in London and 成本a Rica.

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Genea Foster '12, community organizer and future urban planner   更多的

Genea has been a part of the Massachusetts Promise Fellowship, 这是美国国家服务队的一个项目, where she ran afterschool youth programs focusing on scientific literacy, 环保意识, 农业, 食物公正, 社会正义, 和领导能力. Her host sites included the Northeastern University Marine Science Center, 林恩女子公司, 和食品工程. Her service led her to pursue a Master's Degree in City Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of 技术, and she now works for the MAPC (Metropolitan Area Planning Council) as a Regional Land Use Planner. She hopes to work closely with community members in low-income/communities of color to develop environmentally-conscious infrastructure that can fulfill community needs and promote self-sufficiency.

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Lauren Fink '10, PeaceCorps volunteer and epidemiology grad student   更多的

毕业后的那个夏天, Lauren began her term with the PeaceCorps as a community health educator in the Manyara Region of Tanzania. She provided family planning and HIV/AIDS counseling to hundreds of families, 设计并实施了一个生活技能培训项目. She was also able to author a grant and supervise the implementation of a water and sanitation job-skill development program for at-risk youth, funded by the 总统's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Her experiences at Wellesley and in the PeaceCorps inspired her to continue her education by enrolling in an MPH program in global epidemiology at Emory University - one of the top programs in the nation.

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Kate Doiron '05, GIS顾问  更多的

Kate began her post-Wellesley career at the 缅因州自然保护区计划 using GIS to identify key conservation areas across the state. 凯特继续发展她对制图的热爱, obtaining a Masters Degree in GID for Development and Environment from Clark University where she created datasets for the Silent Spring Institute and Massachusetts Health and Environment mapping service. 目前, 凯特是工业经济学的GIS专家, an economic and environmental consulting firm in Cambridge, 提供分析的MA, 建议, 并为政府机构提供项目管理服务, 世界各地的私人公司和组织. 

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Phoebe Handler '12, nurse practitioner student and published scholar  更多的

在韦尔斯利, Phoebe completed a thesis that explored the role of dietary deficits in childhood lead poisoning. 她的研究已在 International Journal of Environmental 研究 and Public Health 与教授. 丹Brabander. She also participated in a project examining the lead content of common Indian, 中东, 以及北美眼部化妆品, which may uncover an understudies exposure pathway of lead poisoning. 目前, Phoebe is pursuing her passion for environmental health issues at the University of Pittsburgh where she is studying to become a nurse pratitioner.

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詹妮弗Redfearn “01,导演  更多的

Jennifer directed and produced the 2011 Oscar nominated documentary 太阳升起, a film following the relocation of climate change refugees in the South Pacific. 在过去的七年里, 她还为《皇冠体育官网》制作过纪录片, 美国公共电视台, 美国有线电视新闻网, 探索频道, and TLC and has field-produced stories from across the states, 中美洲, 中东, 阿富汗, 和巴布亚新几内亚. Jennifer is the recipient of a Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting Fellowship, 以及国家艺术基金会, 杰罗姆基金会, 鸡和蛋图片, 以及NYSCA个人艺术家资助. In addition to her bachelor's degree in environmental studies from Wellesley, she has a master's degree in journalism from 哥伦比亚大学. 

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Other Wellesley alumnae who have thought and acted on behalf of the environment over the decades include:

  • 克莱尔Schlemme 06年,本地食品企业家
  • Dorrie Pizzella, 80届,环境管理员
  • 温迪·保尔森 1969年,鸟类爱好者、自然资源保护主义者和教育家
  • 伊娃Sommaripa 1963年,有机农民和可持续生活倡导者
  • 伊丽莎白·巴洛·罗杰斯,57岁,城市规划师
  • 海伦·海斯,53岁,鸟类学家和环保主义者
  • 凯瑟琳·W. 戴维斯,28岁,慈善家和环保主义者
  • 玛乔丽·斯通曼·道格拉斯 1912年,自然保护主义者和自然主义者


  • 哥伦比亚大学
  • 杜克大学
  • 尼古拉斯环境学院
  • 耶鲁大学林业与环境研究学院
  • 耶鲁大学护士/助产士
  • 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校杜兰大学
  • 杜兰大学
  • 佛罗里达大学
  • 哈佛法学院
  • 哈佛大学公共卫生学院
  • 科罗拉多大学
  • 兽医学校
  • 宾夕法尼亚大学兽医学院
  • 佛蒙特法学院
  • 俄勒冈大学法学院


  • 美国环境
  • 环境咨询
  • 苏德基金(环保资助)
  • 哥斯达黎加的库鲁国家野生动物保护区
  • 纪录片电影
  • 三年级教学
  • 高中教学
  • 自然资源保护委员会
  • 奶酪制作
  • 沃森奖学金
  • 环境新闻
  • 国家公园管理局
  • 拓展训练
  • 和平队
  • 芝加哥环境委员会
  • 缅因州自然保护区计划
  • 加州奥杜邦协会
  • Instituto de la Nauraleza y la Sociedad de Oaxaca Organic
  • 有机农业
  • 地球科学研究