当归考夫曼, 情人节, 普罗透斯, Sylvia 和 Giulia in the Forest (Scene from "Two Gentlemen of Verona" Act V, 场景(四), 1788. 布面油画. Museum purchase in memory of Winifred Herman Friedman (Class of 1945). 1976.34
That Right Promethean Fire: 莎士比亚了
2016年2月10日- 6月5日

Celebrating the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare, this exhibit will explore the legacy of artistic engagement with the Bard’s plays. From the monumental project of the Boydell Shakespeare Gallery to the Weimar Republic; from Victorian America to contemporary U.S. poetry, Shakespeare’s work has routinely incited artists to respond in interesting 和 diverse ways. 在这里, 绘画精选, 打印, 摄影, 和 books will illuminate how artists such as Angelika Kauffman, 尤金·德拉克洛瓦, 马克斯·贝克曼, 和 Rockwell Kent have engaged with the rich corpus of Shakespeare’s work. Drawn from the collections of the Davis Museum, Special Collections of the Clapp Library, 以及皇冠体育档案, 莎士比亚了 will also highlight Wellesley’s profound interest in Shakespeare over more than a century of time.


由Meredith Fluke策划, 肯珀学术项目馆长 at the Davis, 与威廉·凯恩合作,Mary Jewett Gaiser Professor of English 和 露丝罗杰斯, Curator of Special Collections at 皇冠体育. The exhibition is generously supported by 皇冠体育 Friends of 艺术.


“More than Words can Witness”: Performances by Members of the 皇冠体育 Shakespeare Society

2016年2月27日星期六| 3:00pm | 戴维斯画廊

Experience the Davis Museum’s Shakespeare exhibition from an actor’s point of view!  加入 students from the 皇冠体育 Shakespeare Society for a lively in-gallery performance inspired by the works on display in That Right Promethean Fire: 莎士比亚了.  The audience is invited to a conversation with the actors following the performance, discussing the relationship between theater 和 visual art, 和 the special history of Shakespeare at Wellesley.


Shakespeare on the Global Silver Screen

All screenings take place in 柯林斯电影 beginning at 6:30pm (except where noted)

Presented to exp和 upon the special exhibition That Right Promethean Fire: 莎士比亚了, this selection of six films demonstrates the sustained 和 diverse engagement with Shakespeare that has inspired filmmakers around the world for nearly a century.

Generously supported by the Davis Museum Film Program Gift, 和 co-hosted by the Cinema 和 Media Studies 和 English departments.


2月24日: 哈姆雷特 (1921年,Dir. 旅行社Nielsen) *

Asta Nielsen, born in Denmark in 1881, was the first diva of European silent film.  To realize her artistic vision, she founded her own company, 艺术-Film, in 1920. 她的作品 哈姆雷特, 同年生产的, features a female 哈姆雷特 character 和 initially survived only in a black-和-white US export version. A colored vintage print of the lost German original version of 1921 was discovered in 2005. The restored film had its premiere at the Berlinale in 2007, with new musical accompaniment composed by Michael Riessler (Source:  Edition Filmmuseum).


3月9日: 血王座 (1957年,Dir. 黑泽明)*

生动的,发自内心的 麦克白 适应, 血王座 sets Shakespeare’s definitive tale of ambition 和 duplicity in a ghostly, fog-enshrouded l和scape in feudal Japan. As a hardened warrior who rises savagely to power, Toshiro Mifune gives a remarkable performance, as does Isuzu Yamada as his ruthless wife. 血王座 fuses classical Western tragedy with formal elements taken from Noh theater to create an unforgettable cinematic experience (Source: The Criterion Collection).


4月13日: 午夜钟声 (1965年,Dir. 奥森·威尔斯)

One of the few films over which Orson Welles wielded complete creative control, 午夜钟声 is a creative adaptation of both Shakespeare’s 亨利四世温莎的风流韵事. 在威尔斯最感人的电影中, 午夜钟声 reveals the relationship between Falstaff 和 Prince Hall to be Shakespeare’s nuanced reflection on the difficult gap between political power 和 its human instrument. (资料来源:哈佛电影资料馆).


5月4日: Omkara (2006年,Dir. Vishal Bhardwaj)

In this Indian Bollywood adaptation of Shakespeare’s 《皇冠体育官网》, Omkara, 或“Omi,” is a gifted chieftain who heads a gang of outlaws, which include the crafty Langda Tyagi 和 the dynamic Kesu amongst his chief cohorts. When Omi appoints Kesu 和 not Langda as his chief lieutenant, Langda's pride is slighted.  妒火中烧, Langda hatches a plot to falsely implicate Omi's beautiful fiancee Dolly in an illicit affair with Omi's favourite lieutenant, Kesu. 使用琐碎的暗示和谎言, Langda keeps poisoning Omi's mind till one day he snaps 和 goes amok destroying his secure world. There is a horrific tragedy at the end, at which time Omi realizes the impact of his actions. 但这是否太晚了? (来源:Eros International).


特殊事件! 情人节双特写


12:00pm: 罗密欧与朱丽叶 (1996年,Dir. 巴兹鲁赫曼)

3:30pm: 我讨厌你的10件事 (1999年,Dir. 吉尔·荣格尔)


Celebrate 情人节’s Day at the Davis with a special showing of two beloved 90’s film adaptations of Shakespeare’s most romantic works: 罗密欧与朱丽叶 (starring Claire Danes 和 Leonardo DiCaprio) 和 我讨厌你的10件事 (starring Julia Stiles, Heath Ledger 和 Joseph Gordon-Levitt).   


3月1日星期二 4:00pm | 戴维斯画廊
加入Meredith Fluke, 肯珀学术项目馆长, 露丝罗杰斯, Curator of Special Collections at Clapp Library, 和
威廉·该隐, Mary Jewett Gaiser Professor of English at 皇冠体育, in a discussion about Shakespeare 和 the enduring 和 multifarious practice of interpreting his work.