应用程序组件 & Process (Applying to Health Profession Schools)


每个卫生专业学校都会要求你的成绩单的正式副本作为申请过程的一部分. 密切关注有关如何、何时以及向谁发送成绩单的信息. 注意申请截止日期和交付日期. Be sure to request transcripts from all undergraduate institutions attended. 请注意,成绩单的问题是处理延迟和错过申请截止日期的首要原因.

成绩单不能由您或您的顾问发送到中央应用服务或卫生专业学校, they MUST be sent directly by the Registrars’ Offices.

A large number of health professions schools are using 集中应用服务 (CAS) to streamline the application process for everyone involved. Pay close attention to delivery addresses and codes for programs using a CAS.

到了申请的时候, 尽早提出成绩单要求,这样你的申请处理就不会因为缺乏成绩单而延误. 
Wellesley College uses an online service to send transcripts called Parchment. 如果你在上春季课程, 我们强烈建议你计划在你的申请中出现你的春季成绩. 确保你的成绩单在春季课程成绩被记录之后才被发送.

也为自己订购成绩单副本, as you will need them as you complete your applications. Look over your transcripts carefully and make sure the grades, courses, AP credit, etc. 看起来都是正确的. 你有资格在韦尔斯利成绩单上列出最多四门符合条件的AP课程. 如果你获得了四个以上的学分,请确保你的成绩单上有你想要的AP课程. 例如, if you have to choose between a math AP credit and a history AP credit, choose the math credit as you may want it to count towards an application requirement.

一旦你订购了成绩单, check to make sure all of your transcripts have been received by the application service.

amca: Parchment is authorized by AMCAS to provide secure electronic transcripts to AMCAS. Choose “Academic 成绩单 under the “Especially for Students” tab. Enter AMCAS in the field when asked where the document should be sent and hit “Search.选择AMCAS. 在确认页面之后, a box will appear that will ask for date of birth, 对象ID, 和AAMC成绩单ID号. Once those fields are completed, proceed to completion of the order. 

其他集中应用服务: 如果申请服务或学校要求你在成绩单上附上成绩单申请表, 你可能无法通过羊皮纸来完成. 而不是, 在地址栏中键入申请服务的名称以及您的个人身份证号,将成绩单邮寄到您希望邮寄的地方(例如, " aacomas id # 305624 "). Your ID number will then be part of the address label, 申请服务或学校将能够将你的成绩单与你的申请相匹配.

国际记录: 许多卫生专业学校和集中申请服务机构不接受国际学校的成绩单. If a school to which you are applying does accept international courses, they may require that you provide an international school transcript. 这可能需要您将正式的国际学校成绩单发送到服务机构,如 世界教育服务 or 教育证书评估员 to evaluate your international courses for US equivalency. Be sure to check with the health professions programs directly for guidance.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Courses: AMCAS要求申请人列出他们注册过至少一门课程的所有高等教育机构, 即使学分已经转移, 没有获得学分, 或者申请人退出. If you've taken an undergraduate course at MIT, then MIT should be listed on your “Schools Attended” list. 在列出麻省理工学院的课程时,在“学校名称”下加上“MIT”,并列出你在麻省理工学院修过的课程. Do not list the courses twice as MIT courses and then as Wellesley courses. Taking cross-registered courses at MIT generates no MIT transcript; the courses are listed on your Wellesley transcript. 您必须使用下拉菜单中的“财团/交叉注册计划”申请麻省理工学院的成绩单例外.

影子的成绩: 大家都知道, 皇冠体育现在对第一学期的课程和一些第一年的写作课程有强制性的及格/不及格分数. 我们的注册办公室和健康专业顾问不会向项目或学校透露你的“影子成绩”.

当你申请卫生专业学校时, 他们将要求你披露你是否因不可接受的学业表现或行为而被任何机构采取行动, 即使这种行为没有中断你的注册或要求你离开学校, or if the action has been deleted or expunged from your record. They will also ask if you have been found guilty of a misdemeanor or a felony. Many schools now conduct background checks as a final portion of the admissions process. If there was an issue in your past about which you are concerned, 和你的健康专业顾问谈谈. 在你的申请中诚实和完整地代表你自己是非常重要的. If there is an issue to report, good steps to describe the situation include:

  1. Briefly explain the circumstances of the transgression
  2. 为你的行为负责 
  3. Explain any disciplinary action that was taken and how you completed what was required
  4. 解释一下你从这次经历中学到了什么,以及它是如何帮助你成长为一个更好的人的
  5. Affirm that this hasn't happened again and won’t happen again



收到您的主要申请后, 卫生专业学校可能会要求你完成第二份申请,并支付补充申请费. (If you are accepted into a Fee Assistance Program, many schools will give you a reduced secondary application fee.) It is important that you have internet access during the application process, and that you monitor your email (and your spam folder) closely.

Work as carefully on your secondary applications as you did on your primary application. 打印一份你的第二份申请,校对,并让另一个人校对. Do not turn in an application with spelling and grammatical errors. 用额外的文章来强调你对这所学校特别喜欢的地方. Keep in mind that schools are interested in both why you applied to their school, and how/why you would be a good addition to their community. 仔细阅读每所学校的网站, in particular noting the mission statement and the curriculum, and tailor your essays to show your interest and your fit. 你也可以选择分享你在主要申请中没有机会描述的皇冠体育你自己的事情.

Spend the time to complete these carefully and submit them before the deadlines. 我们强烈建议您在收到请求后的两周内发送二次申请. If you delay in submitting your secondary applications, schools will interpret that as a lack of interest on your part.


The application process spans a long period of time. 在那段时间里, 你可能有新的成就想要和你申请的学校分享. Some items that may be of interest to admissions committees include:

  1. Additional undergraduate or graduate courses with grades 
  2. 奖项或荣誉
  3. 你是主要贡献者的演讲、海报、摘要和/或期刊文章
  4. 你认为对你对世界的理解有影响的其他重要经历或成就

Keep in mind that some schools will not accept updates from applicants, so it is important to find out if updates are welcomed by checking admissions websites, paying attention to communications from the schools, 或联系招生办公室. Find out in what format and when updates would be most helpful. 例如, some schools will want a copy of an official transcript that shows recent grades, 虽然其他人可能希望你把新的成绩信息合并到你的书面更新中. 请注意,一些集中式应用程序服务有特定的时间段,在此期间您可以更新应用程序.

If you send an update to a school, keep it brief and to the point. Begin your note by expressing your ongoing enthusiasm for the school, 如果可以的话, 具体提到每所学校让你想去的地方. 然后加上你的新信息. 发送这些邮件时要小心,不要把一所学校的信息剪切粘贴到另一所学校.

学校也会想知道自你提交申请以来任何重大的负面发展. 例如, 如果你受到任何纪律处分或者因为任何原因被逮捕, schools may require that you report this to them. 向你的中央申请服务中心或你申请的各个学校查询.

发送频繁或不适当的更新可能会导致您的应用程序以负面的方式被查看. For more about the pros and cons of sending updates, see Judge When to Update a Medical School Application 从U.S. 新闻与世界报道. If you are not sure about sending an update, check with your Health Professions Advisor.