
Wintersession 2017

The 2017 Wintersession Program focused on Globalization: Promises, Challenges and a Path Forward.

派特, 科索沃总统(2011-2016), joined us as our Distinguished Visiting Professor and shared her personal experience in the realm of women’s empowerment and leadership. 在冬季会期的前两个星期, 奥尔布赖特奖学金获得者参加了著名演讲者的课程, 包括皇冠体育的教职工, 女毕业生从业人员, 以及外部组织的思想领袖. The 研究员 worked together in interdisciplinary groups on a variety of pressing international issues, which culminated in presentations to the Institute’s Distinguished Visiting Professor at the end of Wintersession. 
