

以这种身份, 他研究影响发展中国家的政策和趋势, 包括对贫穷国家的援助, 中产阶级的出现, 全球治理和20国集团.

他曾担任支持高级别小组的秘书处的主要作者和执行秘书, 由瑟利夫总统共同主持, 尤多约诺总统和卡梅伦首相, 为美国提供建议.N. 秘书长谈2015年后发展议程(2012-2013年). 这份报告, 5月30日发表了题为“新的全球伙伴关系:通过可持续发展消除贫困和转变经济”的报告, 2013.

他最近与人合著的著作是《皇冠体育》(布鲁金斯出版社), 2013); After the Spring: Economic Transitions in the Arab World (Oxford University Press, 2012); and Catalyzing Development: A New Vision for Aid (Brookings Press, 2011). 他发表过文章, 书中皇冠体育全球发展政策的章节和评论文章, 全球趋势, 全球粮食危机, 国际组织, 20国集团(G20), 发展援助委员会和私人慈善事业.

He has recently served as a member on the International Panel Review Committee on Malaysia’s economic and governance transformation programs (2012); the post-Busan Advisory Group to the DAC co-chairs (2011); the National Economic Advisory Council to the Malaysian Prime Minister (2009-10); and a member of the Working Group for the Commission on Growth and Development, 由A教授主持. 迈克尔·斯宾塞(2007-10). 他是经合组织发展中心的非常驻研究员(2009年).

在加入布鲁金斯学会之前. 卡拉斯在世界银行工作了26年, 曾担任世界银行东亚和太平洋地区首席经济学家兼减贫和经济管理司司长7年, 金融和私营部门发展, 负责世行在结构和经济政策方面的建议, 财政问题, 债务, 贸易, 治理与金融市场.

卡拉斯也是《皇冠体育官网》一书的合著者, People and Economy (2011); An East Asian Renaissance: Ideas for Economic Growth (2007); and co-editor of East Asian Visions: Perspectives on Economic Development (2007); East Asia Integrates: A Trade Policy Agenda for Shared Growth (2004).

Select recent publications include Horizon 2025: Creative Destruction in the Aid Industry (2012); The Challenge of High and Rising Food Prices (2011); What is the Middle Income Trap? (2011); A Quality of Official Development Assistance Assessment (2010); The Emerging Middle Class in Developing Countries (2010); Development Assistance in the 21st Century (2009); Do Philanthropic Citizens Behave Like Governments? (2009); The California Consensus: Can Private Aid End Global Poverty? (2008); Chilean Growth through East Asian Eyes (2008); Measuring the Cost of Aid Volatility (2008); East Asia: Regional Integration among Open Economies (2008); The New Reality of Aid (2008); Trends and Issues in Development Aid (2007).