皇冠体育植物园 features 22 acres of curated outdoor 花园, 温室, and landscapes within the beautiful and historic 皇冠体育 campus.


皇冠体育植物园 (WCBG) features thousands of accessioned plants representing over 1,500 different taxa from more than 150 different plant families, 生长在不同的栖息地和社区. 的 WCBG builds on the instinctive affinity for plants, 自然, and harmonious landscapes through ecologically focused curation and maintenance. This focus on plants and landscapes contributes to increasing knowledge and opportunities for 教学 and research at the College, and develops our empathy and care for plants and the natural world. 花园区域和展品都有独特的主题, while being unified in their underlying goals of educational value and engaging design.

View the sections below to learn about different garden areas.


亚历山德拉植物园 features temperate-climate trees and shrubs from around the world, within a framework of towering oaks and pines, and a meandering mown path starting from Paramecium Pond and the bog garden.

H. H. Hunnewell植物园 跨越不同的栖息地, 包括枫树沼泽, 梅多斯, 春天的池, 以及不同森林类型的碎片, 主要是本地物种.

我们的创新 食用生态教学园 是一个动态的可食用森林花园吗, 包括实验性种植, and the popular Outdoor Garden Classroom gathering space.

专门的花园 包括一个 针叶树花园 , pollinator garden, experimental 花园, and more!

玛格丽特C号. 弗格森温室 brings Ferguson's vision of “laboratories under glass” into the 21st century:

全球植物温室 highlights beauty and diversity in plant form, and our global connections with plants across cultures. 全球植物 also serves as a new node for interdisciplinary learning and an innovative example of sustainable design, 有实时气候传感器, 依靠雨水灌溉, 减少热量消耗. 全球植物群对公众开放, with free tours and group reservations available, 在全年的工作时间.

的附件, 一个建于1906年的小温室, has been restored and is a free plant swap and potting area, 就在游客中心外面, 向所有人开放.

教学和研究温室 are connected to the Science Center and the recently launched Frost Center for the Environment, 支持学生和教师的研究, 教学, 以及其他项目. 的se 温室 are subdivided into three research spaces, 大型教学温室, 还有一个教室供学生使用. 这些是不开放参观的.

的 植物园游客中心 is a reception area for visitors, 旅游团的聚会场所, and classroom space for campus and public programs. 的 Friends of Botanic 花园 office is located here. 的 central multi-purpose room is named for Harriet B. 克赖顿,1940-1974年植物学教授. 的 Visitor Center was built in 1992 through generous donations from 韦尔斯利 alums and the Friends of Botanic 花园. 的 structure's design closely mimics the design of the old 弗格森温室. 访客可浏览 教育材料, 地图, and chat with student, 工作人员, or volunteers at the front desk during 工作人员ed open hours.

皇冠体育植物园' Visitor Center is a reception area for visitors, 旅游团的聚会场所, and classroom space for campus and public programs. 的 Friends of Botanic 花园 office is located here. 这个大会议室是以哈丽特·B的名字命名的. 克赖顿,1940-1974年植物学教授. 的 Visitor Center was built in 1992 through generous donations from 韦尔斯利 alumnae and the Friends of Horticulture, 这是该组织当时的名称. 的 structure's design closely mimics the design of the old 弗格森温室. 访客可浏览 教育材料, 地图, 并向学生寻求指导, 工作人员, or volunteers at the front desk during Visitor Center open hours.

搜索 our Garden Explorer map database for 全球植物 plants:

This currently includes select accessioned plants in 全球植物 and the Edible Ecosystem.

还有皇冠体育 可食用生态系统植物 在我们的网站上,包括一个学生制作的 互动地图 可食用的时令植物.


使用这个 数字地图 and select plants or use the search feature to display details.

Outdoor garden plant accessions - This is our past searchable database. An updated tree and shrubs inventory of the outdoor Botanic 花园 was completed in Aug 2022, 可以在我们的电子地图上找到, 或者你可以 点击这里查看 在TreeKeeper.


类树 are mapped on this interactive project from the Paulson Initiative, by Kristine Meader '21. Note that most class trees are not planted within the Botanic 花园; please contact 韦尔斯利 Facilities - Grounds department for inquiries about specific class trees.

Look at our Garden subpages for additional plant lists, or contact us with specific questions.

We acknowledge that 皇冠体育 is built on ancestral and traditional land of the Massachusett people. We also recognize that the United States’ removal, 终止, and assimilation policies and practices resulted in the forced settlement of Indigenous lands and the attempted erasure of Indigenous cultures and languages. 我们进一步承认这种压迫, 不公正, and discrimination that Indigenous people have endured and that there is much work to be done on the important journey to reconciliation. We commit to strengthen our understanding of the history and contemporary lives of Indigenous peoples and to steward this land.

We further recognize the many Indigenous people living here today—including the Massachusett, 万帕诺亚格人, and Nipmuc nations—who have rich ancestral histories in 韦尔斯利 and its surrounding communities. 今天, their descendants remind us that they are still here, where they maintain a vital and visible presence. We honor and respect the enduring relationship between these peoples and this land, as well as the strength of Indigenous culture and knowledge, the continued existence of tribal sovereignty, and the principle of tribal self-de终止.

我们感谢 美洲原住民学生协会 at 皇冠体育 for their support in developing this land acknowledgement, and we are committed to supporting continued action and advocacy.