Koichi Hagimoto


Specialized in 19th and 20th century Latin American literature and culture; also interested in Transpacific Studies.

我的第一本书, Between Empires: M艺术í, Rizal and the Intercolonial Alliance (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), compares the anti-imperial literature and history of Cuba and the Philippines in the late nineteenth century. This study focuses on the writings of 何塞•马蒂 and José Rizal, the most prominent nationalist authors of the two contexts. 通过文学和历史分析, I argue that M艺术í and Rizal constructed the conceptual framework for what I call an “intercolonial alliance” against both Spain and the United States at the turn of the century.

我的第二本书, Samurai in the Land of the Gaucho: Transpacific Modernity and Nikkei Literature in Argentina (范德比尔特, 2023), explores how diverse literary and cultural approaches to Japan have defined and defied the concept of modernity in Argentina. I argue that 历史 imaginings of Japan contributed to the Argentine vision of what I call “transpacific modernity” in the early twentieth century. 另一方面, I study how a new generation of Nikkei or Japanese-Argentine authors is rewriting the conventional narrative of Japan in the twenty-first century based on their own immigrant experiences.

我的研究兴趣, which are at the forefront of Transpacific Studies, delve into the intricate relationship between Asia and Latin America. 我策划了一本书 Trans-Pacific Encounters: Asia and the Hispanic World (剑桥学者出版社), 2016), a collection of essays that illuminate the multidimensional nature of the 历史 and cultural intersection between Asian countries and the Hispanic world. 我还参与编辑了一个特别的数字 Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana (2018)和 Geografías caleidoscópicas: América Latina y sus imaginarios intercontinentales (Iberoamerica / Vervuert, 2022). Most recently, I have co-edited an anthology, entitled Más allá del haiku: antología de autores nikkei latinoamericanos (El Fondo Editorial de la Asociación Peruano Japonesa, 2024), which showcases the literary works of over 50 writers of Japanese descent from Argentina, 巴西, 智利, 墨西哥, 和秘鲁. My 艺术icles have been published in many peer-reviewed journals, such as Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana, 亚洲评论/拉丁美洲, Chasqui, Transmodernity, 伊伯利亚半岛, 拉丁美洲文学评论除其他外.

除了传统的奖学金, I also had the pleasure of serving as the interpreter for the acclaimed Japanese author, 村上春树, who came to 皇冠体育 as the Mary L. Cornille Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Humanities during Spring 2023. My 面试 与奥. Murakami was published in the journal Transmodernity. In 2024, I myself was 面试ed for a podcast series called “穿越frontera,” where I discussed my research and other topics related to my personal/academic trajectory.

For me, research is inseparable from teaching. I take enormous pleasure in teaching all courses related to the Spanish language and Latin American literature and culture. 在韦尔斯利, I have taught Elementary and Intermediate Spanish, 西班牙研究概论, Introduction to 拉丁美洲研究 (in English), 西班牙裔加勒比文学与文化, 现代拉丁美洲文化的形成, 十九世纪的拉丁美洲, upper-level seminars on Cuba and on Asia in Latin America. I have also directed the Wintersession program in Cuba. 为了表彰我的教学, I was awarded the Ana and Samuel Pinanski Teaching Prize in 2012 and the Apgar Award for Teaching Excellence in 2019. 2021年,我登上了成员的关注” page of the American Association of Teachers of 西班牙语和葡萄牙语.

Besides serving as the dep艺术ment chair (2023-), I have contributed to multiple committees on campus, including the Committee on Lectures and Cultural 事件, 斯莱特国际理事会, the Ruhlman and Tanner Conference Committees, 少数民族征聘委员会, 招聘和保留, the Advisory Board on the Suzy Newhouse Center for the Humanities, the Executive Board for 拉丁美洲研究 Program, 课程委员会 & Academic Policy and the Advisory Committee on Academic 工作人员ing.

When not working, I enjoy running, playing soccer, eating, traveling with my family.


  • B.A.他是美国创价大学的教授
  • M.A.匹兹堡大学
  • Ph.D.匹兹堡大学


  • This seminar examines Cuban literature and culture from the nineteenth century to the present. As a tropical island in 加勒比海 ruled by numerous imperial powers and domestic tyrants, Cuba has often been perceived as a paradise and/or a prison. We will study both the literal and metaphorical meanings of these two symbols through various modes of cultural expression, 包括散文, 诗歌, 艺术, 音乐, 和电影. 我们将讨论殖民主义等话题, 奴隶制, 独立运动, 古巴革命, 社会主义, 种族和性别, 移民, the changing relationship between Cuba and the United States. Readings may include texts by Juan Franciscano Manzano, 何塞•马蒂, 克里斯蒂娜•加西亚, 菲德尔·卡斯特罗, 埃内斯托·切·格瓦拉, 约瑟·莱扎玛·利马, 雷纳尔竞技场, 桑切斯, 和索尼娅·里维拉-瓦尔达姆斯.
  • An examination of the principal characteristics of the search for identity and independence of the emerging Latin American nations as expressed in literary, 历史, 以及人类学写作. We will examine the experience of each of four distinct regions: 墨西哥 and Central America, 加勒比海, 安第斯国家, 和南锥体. Readings will include the works of contemporary Latin American writers, filmmakers, historians. Special attention will be given to the relationship between social issues and the evolution of literary form. (LAST 275 and SPAN 275 are cross-listed courses.)
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