


Classicist and historian of Greek and Roman history, 古代宗教与战争, 亚历山大大帝, 和犹太历史.

盖伊·麦克莱恩·罗杰斯是优等生.A. degree with subject honors in Classics and Political Science from the University of Pennsylvania where he played varsity soccer and was awarded a Thouron Fellowship. 1979年,他获得了一等荣誉B.A. degree in Ancient 历史 from University College London and a Full Colors Award for football. 他获得了博士学位.D. 1986年从普林斯顿大学古典文学专业毕业. He has been the recipient of numerous grants and awards for his research and writing, including ones from the National Endowment for the Humanities, 富布赖特奖学金项目, 以及美国哲学学会. In 1997 he held a senior visiting fellowship at All Souls College Oxford. In 2003 he was the recipient of the “Perennial Wisdom Medal” from the Monuments Conservancy in New York City for his contributions to the study of humanities.

罗杰斯教授的第一本书, 以弗所的神圣身份: Foundation Myths of a Roman City他获得了1989年劳特利奇古代史奖. In 2014 以弗所的神圣身份 was reprinted in the Routledge Revival Program of distinguished works from the past 100 years. 在2004年他的传记中, 亚历山大:伟大的模糊性 was published by Random House; it was selected as a 历史 Book club featured alternate, 并被翻译成俄语和希腊语. 他的教科书, Roots of the Western Tradition: A Short 历史 of the Ancient World这本书已经是第八版了. The first Mandarin edition was published by Brilliant Publications of Shanghai in 2013. He has been a member of the editorial advisory board of the Italian classical journal 约翰Antico 自成立以来. 2002年至2006年,他担任 罗马、希腊世界和东方, the three volumes of collected essays of the late Oxford historian Sir Fergus Millar. In 2013 Yale University Press published his book, The Mysteries of Artemis of Ephesos: Cult, Polis, and Change in the Graeco-Roman World 在Synkrisis系列中. 他的书中, For the Freedom of Zion: The Great Revolt of Jews against Romans, 66-74 CE这本书将于2021年由耶鲁大学出版.

He has contributed regularly to television programs and 纪录片 about the ancient world for the 历史 Channel and the BBC, 他的专栏文章曾出现在《皇冠体育官网》上.S. national and international newspapers and news web网站s, including the Los Angeles Times and Middle East Eye in London.

Professor Rogers was Chairman of the 历史 部门 of 皇冠体育 from 1997 to 2001 and 2012. From 1999 to 2002 he served as 皇冠体育’s first 教师 Director of Internships and Service Learning. He was appointed to the Macricostas Chair of Hellenic and Modern Greek Studies at Western Connecticut State University from 2006-08, 国家系统中第一个被授予的主席. From 2008-13 he held the Mildred Lane Kemper endowed Chair at 皇冠体育. From 2013-18 he served on the Advisory Board of the Madeleine Korbel Albright Institute for Global Affairs and from 2013-18 was an affiliated faculty and advisory board member of the Freedom Project at 皇冠体育. 2014年,他当选为威廉R. 该小. endowed Professorship of Classics and 历史 at 皇冠体育. 他教希腊和罗马历史, 古代宗教与战争, 亚历山大大帝, Iulius凯撒, 西方文明.

The Global 教育 Network in New York City selected Professor Rogers’ course on Alexander to become its first online course. In the spring of 2014 he taught the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), “Was Alexander Great? 的生活, 领导, and Legacies of 历史’s Greatest Warrior” for The Harvard/MIT EdX consortium to 17,全球500名学生. A blog about his experiences teaching “Was Alexander Great?出现在 高等教育内部. 2016年是亚历山大大帝?” was leased to Xuetang University, China’s premier MOOC provider. Since the summer of 2019 Professor Rogers has taught humanities courses for Torhea/Neoscholar 教育 in Shanghai China.

His interests include baroque and classical music, painting, oenology, animal welfare, and travel. He lives in Litchfield County, Connecticut and New York City.



HIST228 Swords and Scandals: Ancient 历史 in Films, Documentaries, and Online

HIST229 亚历山大大帝: Psycopath or Philosopher King

HIST230 Greek 历史 from the Bronze Age to the Death of Philip II of Macedon


HIST325 "Veni' Vidi; Vici": 的生活 and Times of C. Iulius凯撒


  • B.A.宾夕法尼亚大学
  • B.A.伦敦大学
  • M.A.普林斯顿大学
  • Ph.D.普林斯顿大学


  • 比如《皇冠体育》, 耶稣受难记, 和300年, 纪录片 such as The Last Stand of the 300, and Internet courses such as Alexander Online perhaps influence how the majority of people now understand antiquity. But are these visual media historically reliable representations of the past? Or do they rather primarily reflect changing artistic and societal concerns? 数码后景的使用情况如何, 蓝色屏幕, and other technical innovations affected how the past is being represented and understood? In this course we will examine the representation of the ancient world in films, 纪录片, and online media from the "Sword and Sandal" classics of the past such as Ben-Hur to the present, within the scholarly frameworks of ancient history and modern historiography.