

今年的“社区对话”项目力求营造一种充满希望的氛围, 求知欲和个人/职业发展. 所以,我们今年的主题是 订婚, 这借用了一个谨慎的领导原则,即所有的参与, 无论有意还是无意, 是否受到当事人社会身份的影响. 鉴于这种, our sessions will support participants in the development of specific frameworks: ones that acknowledge the social identities of those in the room; are guided by the purpose of the engagement (a meeting, class, 等.) and its hoped-for outcomes; and the development of the specific skills needed to contribute to successful mutually rewarding engagements.



“当相处还不够时”: 2022年3月8日下午12:45至2:30

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为了结束这一季的论坛,我们邀请了皇冠体育的. 莫林•沃克, (作者, 讲师, psychologist and a member of the training faculty and leadership of the Jean Baker Miller Institute) to share highlights from her new book – mentioned above -- in the context of her personal and professional journeys.


“现在比以往任何时候都更重要, race has become a morphing relational dynamic that has less to do with the demographic census box we check and more with how we make sense of our lives—who we are and who we can become in relationships with others. Using anecdotes from her practice as a licensed psychologist and as an African American growing up in the South, Walker provides a way for educators and social service professionals to enter into cross-racial discussions about race and race relations.”


这本书的愿景最终是肯定的, 授权, 充满希望的, 包容个人和集体的力量来治愈我们的分裂和脱节.”

嘉宾: Dr. 莫林•沃克

位置: 变焦




作为一个国家,我们越来越多地在努力应对种族主义.  有些人否认它的存在, 有些人更喜欢在特定的环境中思考它, 而有些人每天都承受着它的影响. 理解种族这一社会结构的个人表现, 有一种方法可以把我们的观点集中在尊严上吗, 同理心和尊重.  It is also the way to better understand our own and others’ the experiences and to further develop our capacity to push for change. 记住这一点, we invite you to join us in a very personal exploration of racial identity as we dive into Peabody Award winning journalist Michele Norris’ 种族卡项目. 2010年推出, this project has become an effective “vehicle for expression and voice” with people living in all 50 states and 90 countries sharing personal back stories, 情感和残酷的事实很少被大声表达出来. 

嘉宾: 索尼娅·斯皮尔斯先生. -波士顿无家可归者医疗保健项目的首席公平和包容官.



社区对话很高兴与教授合作. 亚历克斯Diesl为大家带来特别版的“棘手问题圆桌讨论”.“过去的六年里, 亚历克斯主持这些会议是为了提供非正式的机会, 交叉学科的, 皇冠体育教学的小组对话. 然而, 这个特别的2小时版本, 邀请有关多样性的对话, 公平和包容(DEI),以及包容性卓越和归属感. 就像传统的疑难问题会议一样, 这个论坛是开放给所有皇冠体育的教职员工谁感兴趣的一个深思熟虑的, 皇冠体育这些及时事项的非正式讨论. 会议的形式将是小组对话,让每个人都有机会发言和倾听. Please come; ask questions; share concerns; exchange stories and ideas; and engage with others for whom these matters are compelling, 具有挑战性和/或发人深省. 此外,还会提供零食!

发言人: 教授. 亚历克斯Diesl



If you were asked to recall at least one occasion when you were interacting with one or more colleagues in either a work or social situation and you felt some tension or discomfort not directly related to actual work content, 你会遇到什么事? 当反思事件时, 你对结果满意吗?还是你希望自己能处理得更好?  如果是后者,你并不孤单. Dr. 邓肯·斯佩尔曼 will provide a set of excellent tools (some surprising) for managing such situations with skill and grace. 需要做一些前期工作.

发言人: Dr. 邓肯·斯佩尔曼



通过与跨文化教育办公室的合作,我们带来了批判性的 广受好评的纪录片 托妮·莫里森:《我是碎片 去学校. 虽然在影院上映的时间短得惊人, 一位评论者写道, 在蒂莫西·格林菲尔德·桑德斯(Timothy Greenfield-Sanders)的新纪录片播出几分钟后 托妮·莫里森:《我是碎片很明显,这位杰出的作家天生就是个讲故事的能手. 她的话很宝贵,完美地融入了她优美的演讲. 就连她的童年记忆也像小小的史诗, 暴露了她的一部分, 引申开来, 我们的一部分在这个过程中. 她对文字力量的崇敬和敬畏一如既往地强烈. 带着会意的微笑, 她在一对一的采访中重温了自己的记忆, 直视镜头,直视我们,讲述她的故事. 学者们的合唱, 评论家和朋友们纷纷称赞她的作品,说她太谦虚了,无法自力更生.“放映之后将进行辅助对话.

发言人: Akua Sarr -波士顿学院负责本科生学术事务的副教务长


权力 & 特权:2020年6月18日

虽然人们似乎越来越意识到特权和权力的使用和滥用, 许多人仍然想知道如何做到这一点, 在个人层面上, 这两个概念影响着日常生活和互动, 尤其是在工作场所, 以及它们如何与更广泛的多样性问题联系起来, 股本, 和包容.  这个虚拟研讨会将讨论特权的关系, 权力, 压迫以及我们如何提高对行为的认识以减少工作场所特权的滥用.
发言人: 罗伯特·阿梅里奥


我们很高兴向大家介绍. 小约翰·西尔瓦努斯·威尔逊. 皇冠体育社区. Dr. 威尔逊将强调,我们需要更多的人超越仅仅是循规蹈矩和改革者, 最终成为真正的变形金刚. 鉴于博士. 金的生日是在这次演讲的前一天,他将使用金博士. King's biography as an illustration of what it means to climb the ladder of those phases from aspiring to conform, 通过渴望改革, 渴望改变. 然后,他将描述和讨论一种新的转型势在必行, 以及它在我们的世界中被激活后会是什么样子, 在我们国家, 在我们的大学里...然而,这一切都始于我们自身的激活. Dr. 威尔逊的学术生涯包括, 学院院长(莫尔豪斯学院), 高级学术管理人员(麻省理工学院和乔治华盛顿大学), executive director of 总统 Obama’s White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities and, 最近, senior adviser and strategist to the president of Harvard University relative to her 总统ial Task Force for 包容 and Belonging.



与 波士顿学院勇敢对话倡议 作为一个模特, 这个由两部分组成的项目将训练参与者有效地促进跨文化对话. 更具体地说, it will focus on technique as well as the processes of building strength and the other abilities needed to effectively lead and facilitate these extremely important, 启发性的,有时具有挑战性的对话.

主持人: Karen Groce-Horan和Jayne Ogata



专为皇冠体育设计的, 这两部分的对话将由劳拉·布鲁尔主持, a nationally renowned leadership coach who supports social revolutionaries in their work to build change and justice. Participation in this program will provoke you to deepen your conviction to interrupt white supremacy conditioning in your own life and circle of influence and clarify your personal role in and practice of racial justice.

推荐者: Laura Brewer,创始人 的意思是好. 讲好. 做得很好.公司.



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Please join us for this interactive workshop that will support the Wellesley community as it continues to address systemic issues of gender bias, 不再恐, 以及顺性别特权.  在反种族主义实践和实践的更广泛努力中, this workshop will serve as safe space in which to continue learning about transgender and non-binary identities and on LGBTQ inclusion through an intersectional lens. 利用讨论和互动活动, 着力解决各种情况下的性别特权问题. 加入我们,为韦尔斯利的优势领域制定战略, 增长潜力, 以及在校园内激活性别和LGBTQ平等的可用资源.

推荐者: 阿比盖尔·弗朗西斯,LCSW



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反种族主义顾问唐娜. Bivens ' 75和Paul Marcus欢迎你们进入这个学习圈-一个保险箱, 如果有挑战性, 分享你的经历的空间, 你的见解, 你的斗争和希望与成为一个有效和积极的反种族主义者有关. 唐娜和保罗, 谁从事这项工作多年了, 相信没有一种方法可以成为一个反种族主义者. 你通过参与、质疑和学习、忘记和重新学习你是谁来获得精通. 我们将讨论挑战和展示领导力的各种方式, 支持那些想要影响有意义的人, 持久的改变. During this two-hour session we will have opportunities to work in both large and small groups to learn from each other, 考虑不断发展的策略,并确定最能与你产生共鸣的工作. 同样重要的, 你和你的同事会形成一个群体,你可以依靠他们来学习和解决问题.

推荐者: 75年的唐娜·比文斯和保罗·马库斯


上课时间:10月28日(星期四)下午12:45 - 2:30

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这个论坛, the fourth in our series on the impacts of socioeconomic differences at Wellesley and other “Historically Elite Colleges and Universities”, is an opportunity for our speaker to share our learnings about class matters at Wellesley from past sessions and to determine what has changed. 作为一个群体, 我们将考虑对我们和其他人来说会发生什么, 当社区成员跨越经济阶层和社会地位的界限走到一起. We will identify the personal and institutional forces that influence these cross-cultural engagements and develop strategies for learning more, 支持同事和学生, 并建议/促进适当的变革计划.

推荐者: 琼妮·帕克,集体诉讼代表


创造和维持安全和勇敢的空间:周三, 十一月十日及星期一, 11月15日下午12:45至2:15

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这些空间是由意向性形成的. 安全空间是一个或多个需要倾听、支持和指导的人的避风港. 而Brave Spaces则是不同群体之间进行富有挑战性和生动对话的场所. 两者都需要出色的促成技巧.

These two sessions are focused on developing both the mindsets and practices necessary to create inclusive environments for learning. Participants will explore various ways to foster both Safe and Brave spaces in intentional ways that allow students and peers to feel a sense of belonging without sacrificing their authenticity. We will also explore strategies for navigating difficult conversations in ways that promote greater understanding, 技术转让, 更深层次的联系和学习.

推荐者: 凯瑟琳·兰普利,宾利大学首席多元化官



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这节课是为那些对这种对话的第一反应是“哦,不。!现在怎么办?! 不是我! 并建立在之前的基础上. 这是凯西·奥贝尔设计的模型, 在转型变革中心工作, this session will explore proven techniques for: helping meeting participants to bond; enabling the facilitator to recognize and manage their own personal responses/reactions; and understanding and navigating hot button and triggering events. 通过讨论, 练习和周到的反馈/辅导, participates will leave with greater knowledge and skills relative to self-management and facilitating /managing challenging but important conversations.

推荐者: Madison Thompson, Interactive Associates的引导者和培训师