8. Vacation, Holiday and Personal Time

8-1 Vacation
8-2 Holidays
8-3 Special Time Off
8-4 Personal Days


8-1 Vacation


Eligibility: 只有符合福利条件的员工才有资格获得带薪假期.

Full-Year Employees


Non-exempt Employees

Full-time non-exempt employees will earn 2.02 vacation hours per week. The annual accrual amount is three weeks. 累计上限为三周,外加一周. 当员工达到最大应计上限时,应计停止. 非全职工作的员工将按比例计算其应计收入. 工作少于一年的员工将只在他们工作的工资期间获得休假. On the tenth anniversary (based on a fiscal year, not calendar year), employees are elibible to earn 2.70 vation hours per week.  


To help the College ensure adequate staffing, 员工应尽可能提前申请休假, but at least two weeks’ notice must be given. 所有休假申请必须得到员工主管的批准. The College is not always able to accommodate each request, 因此,学院保留拒绝申请休假时间的权利,以满足学院的业务需要.

Full-Year Employee Payout at Termination

未使用的休假将按照员工当时的正常工资率,与员工的最终工资一起支付给员工. Accrued earned vacation cannot be used to extend employment.

Academic Year Employees (9, 10, month schedules)


Non-Exempt Academic Year Employees (weekly):

非豁免雇员按比例累积的假期时间相当于全职员工的2小时.02 hours per week (three weeks per year). 按比例计算的金额是基于每周的计划小时数和每年的计划周数(也称为混合FTE)。.  最高应计上限是根据相当于三周的全职工作按比例计算的数额, plus one additional week.  当员工达到最大应计上限时,应计停止.

For example:

a. full-time, 10-month non-exempt employee (.83 FTE) will accrue 1.68 hours of vacation per week.

b. 17.5 hour per week, 9-month non-exempt employee (.375 FTE) will accrue 0.76 hours of vacation per week. 

On the tenth anniversary, 非豁免雇员按比例累积的假期时间相当于全职员工的2小时.70 hours vacation per week (4 weeks per fiscal year).  按比例计算的金额是根据每周的计划小时数和每年的计划周数计算的.

Exempt Academic Year Employees (monthly):

豁免学年的员工按比例累积的假期时间相当于全职员工的11小时.70 hours monthly (4 weeks per fiscal year) throughout the year.  按比例计算的金额是基于每周的计划小时数和每年的计划周数(也称为混合FTE)。.  最高应计上限是根据相当于四周的全职工作按比例计算的数额, plus one additional week.  当员工达到最大应计上限时,应计停止.

 For example:

A full-time, 10-month exempt employee (.83 FTE) will accrue 9.71 hours of vacation per month.

Payout at Termination:

未使用的应计假期将以员工当时的正常工资率与他们的最终工资一起支付给员工. Accrued vacation cannot be used to extend employment.



8-2 Holidays

皇冠体育全年都有一些正式的假期. 工作满一年(12个月)的员工享有以下带薪假期:*皇冠体育在一年中正式规定了一些假期. 工作11-12个月的员工在正常工作期间享有以下带薪假期

  • New Year's Day
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • Presidents' Day
  • Patriots' Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Friday after Thanksgiving
  • Christmas

Academic year employees normally work 9, 9 1/2, or 10 months and are entitled to the following paid holidays:*

  • New Year's Day
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • Presidents' Day
  • Patriots' Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Labor Day
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Friday after Thanksgiving
  • Christmas


* Part-time employees who work at least 17.5 hours per week are entitled to pro-rated holiday pay. 工资根据职位的法定工作时间除以5天来确定假期福利.


  • 28 hours divided by 5 days = 5.6 hours holiday pay
  • 17.5 hours divided by 5 days = 3.5 hours holiday pay

While many legal holidays are observed on a Monday, some, such as Independence Day and Christmas, 是在假期的实际星期几庆祝的.

法定节假日为星期日时,放假后的星期一. 如果节日是在星期六,通常会在接下来的星期五庆祝. 如果法定假日是在你的假期期间,你将获得该假期的工资.

When the College is in session, some offices must be staffed. 如果你被要求在法定假日工作,你可能会在另一天休息. 非豁免员工必须在同一工作周内休假,否则按工作时间支付工资. 经部门主管批准,免休员工可延期休假.




8-3 Special Time Off

The College has the discretion to offer special time off. 这个特殊的假期只适用于那些在规定时间内安排工作的人. 



8-4 Personal Days

正式的全年员工每个财政年度最多有三个个人假期. 在你工作的第一年有资格享受所有三个个人假期, your date of hire must be prior to September 30th. If you are hired after October 1-December 31st   you will be eligible for two Personal Days. If hired between January 1– March 1st, you will be eligible for 1 Personal Day. 如果你在4月至6月30日被录用,你将无法享受个人假期,直到下一个财政年度. Whenever possible, 在申请个人假期时,你应该尽可能提前通知你的主管. 请个人假的时间必须得到主管的批准.

非全职员工的个人假期将按比例发放. 工资是根据该职位的授权工作时间除以5天来确定个人日福利.


  • 28 hours divided by 5 days = 5.6 hours personal day
  • 17.5 hours divided by 5 days = 3.5 hours personal day

全日制学年的员工将有两个个人假期. If you work less than full time, 您的个人假期将根据您安排的工作时间按比例分配. 在你受雇的第一年,你的受雇日期必须在7月1日至11月30日之间,才有资格享受两个个人假期th.  If you are hired between December 1-March 31st you will be eligible for one Personal Day.  If hired between April 1- June 30th 直到下一个财政年度你才有资格享受个人假期.




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