Yu-Wen Wu: 2019 普里拉·史密斯·布拉克特奖 Winner
), Not All Alike V, 2018, Tea, gilding, gold leaf on duralar, 40” x40”. 

The Davis Museum is honored to present Yu-Wen Wu (b. 台北, 台湾), a 波士顿-based multi-media artist exploring themes of migration, 位移, 气候变化, as the recipient of the first biennial 普里拉·史密斯·布拉克特奖. Funded by Prilla Smith Brackett (Wellesley Class of 1964) and administered by 皇冠体育的戴维斯博物馆, the award honors an outstanding woman visual artist based in the Greater 波士顿 area, whose work and exhibition record demonstrate extraordinary artistic vision, 人才, 和技能. A graduate of Brown University and the School of the Museum of Fine 艺术s, 波士顿, Wu has exhibited widely both nationally and internationally. 在波士顿, 她在米勒·耶泽斯基画廊展出, and has exhibited her work at numerous local museums and galleries, 包括波士顿美术博物馆, 迪科多瓦雕塑公园和博物馆, 丹佛斯艺术博物馆, 皇冠体育的戴维斯博物馆, 西蒙斯学院的托斯卡曼美术馆, 塔夫茨大学的斯莱特画廊, 和波士顿市政厅.

This online exhibition presents a selection of Wu’s work in conjunction with excerpts from her artist’s statement.

), Not All Alike V, 2018, Tea, gilding, gold leaf on duralar, 40” x40”. 

“Human migration will be a defining issue of this century. Within the global community, record numbers of people are being displaced and crossing borders. This great number of refugees and migrations are the result of armed conflicts, human rights abuse and economic deprivation. People continue to cross borders and to relocate in search of safety and a decent life. Their fate depends on the policies that global leaders adopt. We are entering an unprecedented era of general crisis--migratory, 环境, 社会和政治. How do we face these challenges as people working in the creative fields? 艺术如何应对这些情况? 艺术能做什么?? 这些都是我问自己的问题.”

), 残存物/物品, 2019, Fabric, thread, string, and fiberfill. Installation view of the culminating exhibition as the 2019 艺术ist in Residence at the Pao 艺术s Center, 波士顿, MA.

“My lived experience as an immigrant from Taiwan is central to my artwork. 作为一名艺术家, 在波士顿执业, my projects are informed by my subjectivity as an Asian immigrant. The projects that I pursue operate at the crossroads of art, science, politics and cultural issues. The form the artworks take includes site-specific video installations, 社区参与实践, interdisciplinary projects with scientists and large-scale drawings. Most recently I have been working with small groups of new immigrants who have entered the United States to create projects with and about them. These artworks function as acts of collective resistance. I have also found important meaning through producing public art. These projects have provided access to diverse audiences and have provoked dialogue.”

Installation view at the Pao 艺术s Center of 残存物/物品, 2019. 包的路径,大约. 25 '长x 3 '宽x 4.5英尺高. Lines severed (chapter 1), 2019, 7:05’ HD video. 血统, 150 photographs of participants (dimensions variable).

“我最近正在进行的一个项目, 残存物/物品 (2016 to current) gives voice to individual immigrants and refugees who make it to the United States. The artwork brings small groups of immigrants together to make symbolic bundles. These bundles represent or call attention to material objects and cultural ideas that individual immigrants were able to bring with them or were forced to leave behind. Embedded in these bundles are the narratives of crossing borders, 在恐怖和暴力中生存的策略, 失去了家人和家园. Imbued within the bundles are also testimonies of hope and gratitude. These bundles become the foundation for multiple sculptural installations. A video of the immigrants’ narratives is currently in progress. This project becomes an archive of drift, loss, the search for a new life and home. 到目前为止, the project has produced bundles and stories from several locations throughout the United States.”

), 电流, 2018, Graphite, sandpaper, red thread on duralar, 224” x 144”. Map of the 2018 global migration of the top fifteen countries.

的细节 电流, 2018, Graphite, sandpaper, red thread on duralar, 224” x 144”.

“气候移民是一个现实. Although the definition of who is a refugee has expanded, people who are forced to flee due to 环境 change are still not offered legal protection as refugees. Large numbers of people are becoming 环境ly displaced. They are forced to leave their home region due to sudden or long-term changes from droughts, 沙漠化, 海平面上升和极端天气. My recent projects that speak to this issue include 有/水 (2018), an outdoor video installation, consisting of 5 temporary shelters. Each shelter hosts a discreet video projection from within about extreme weather and its effects on populations.”

), 有/水, 2018. 户外视频装置, consisting of 5 temporary shelters housing individual video projections.

), 有/水, 2018. Video stills from each of the 5 projections.

), 满月和月相, 2018, Graphite, color pencil , ink on duralar, 120” x 120”. Installation photograph from the exhibition 耐电流 在波士顿米尔斯画廊展出.

), 全球移民, 2018, Gold ink, graphite on duralar, 20” x 54”. 68的效果图.2018年有500万人流离失所.

), 口岸, 2016, 38’ x 18’ HD video, 6 tons of field rocks. Installation view from the Perlman Teaching Museum at Carleton College in Northfield, MN.

), 口岸, 2016, 38’ x 18’ HD video, 6 tons of field rocks. Installation view from the Perlman Teaching Museum at Carleton College in Northfield, MN.