和平项目 Alumni Award (graduates)

Campus Deadline: 12:00 pm (​noon) EST on January 23, 2025

和平计划受奖人奖表彰并庆祝过去和平计划受奖人的成就, 重点关注在整个职业生涯中表现出创新和致力于建设和平和改变冲突的个人. As opposed to a grant for a project, this award recognizes past achievements and supports the future endeavors of the recipient.

和平项目 是一个与教育机构合作的全球计划,以确定和支持年轻的和平建设者和变革者. 的 program encourages young adults to develop innovative, 社区中心, and  scalable responses to the world’s most pressing issues. 一路走来, these student leaders increase their knowledge, 提高技能, and begin to see themselves as agents of change. 自2007年以来, 和平项目与大约115所学院和大学合作,支持2000多个项目.
每年, the 和平项目 Alumni Award awards $50,000 to support the continuing peacebuilding efforts of a past 和平项目 grantee. 的 Award is made possible through the Kathryn Wasserman Davis Collaborative in Conflict Transformation 在明德. Read here about the inaugural recipient of the Alumni Award, Joseph Kaifala, 谁是第一批获得夏季和平计划奖的学生之一!
  • 获奖者获得5万美元奖金.
  • 获奖者将参加在米德尔伯里学院举行的皇冠体育冲突转变主题的多日会议, 有机会通过发表主题演讲,与Middlebury的冲突转化社区讨论他们的工作, 领导课堂讨论, and participating in meetings with stakeholders in Middlebury.
  • 米德尔伯里大学的凯瑟琳·沃瑟曼·戴维斯冲突转型合作计划预计到2028年每年至少资助一个奖项.
  • 候选人应在其申请材料中说明该奖项对其正在进行的建设和平或改变冲突努力的影响.
  • 的 award is not a grant intended to support a specific project, though winners are welcome to use the award funds for new or ongoing 活动.
  • Developing a financial plan 那 outlines the estimated costs of items, 活动, 继续教育, 及/或他们预期透过奖助金获得资助的计划,有助于和平计划前受奖人评审委员会了解候选人的野心及未来计划. 除此之外, 奖励资金可用于相关领域的专业发展(包括研究生学习), 研究, or training in conflict resolution, 和平与冲突研究, 等.), 慈善捐款, funding for new or existing nonprofit organizations, 或者是多种用途的组合. 我们希望每个申请人提交的材料都能提出有助于建设和平和/或改变冲突的用途.
  • 和平计划前受奖人评审委员会其次考虑的是由该奖项所建议资助的任何活动的优点.
Expectations - In the first year, the awardee will be asked to:
  • 撰写6个月和1年的简短报告,反映实施情况、影响和经验教训. Receipts/full financial accounting is not required in these reports. 而不是, a general update on major expenditures is requested, with commentary on notable challenges, 成功, and/or deviations from the original financial plan.
  • Attend a multiday conflict transformation convening at Middlebury College, 发表主题演讲, and engage with the conflict transformation community at Middlebury.
  • 在第一年结束时,参加和平与冲突转型合作项目的反思会议(虚拟或亲自).
  • 邀请向和平计划及CT合作组织咨询他们的经验, via annual/biannual discussions
  • Invitations to 和平项目 events and convenings
Additional Opportunities: 和平项目 Alumni awardees, 决赛, 被提名者及其提名机构可以通过印刷和社交媒体公开认可. 入围者及其提名者可能会被邀请参加年度活动或参加由明德大学冲突转型合作组织支持的特殊机会.



  • Applicants must have implemented a Project for Peace any time in the history of the program. 申请人的名字必须出现在其和平计划奖助金结束时提交的核准的最后报告上. If the applicant was part of a team-led project, only one individual from 那 project can be nominated.
  • 申请人必须由支持其和平项目的教育机构提名.e.皇冠体育教授). No direct-apply or “at-large” applications will be accepted.
  • Past nominees may re-apply if they wish!

What makes a strong application for this fellowship?

该奖项旨在庆祝和加强过去和平计划受助人的成就. 的 理想的候选人 该个人是否在其职业生涯中表现出对建立和平和改变冲突的热情承诺,并且其未来的工作将受到该奖项的重大影响. 和平项目 expects the nominees, 作为一个群体, will represent a range of disciplines and approaches to peacebuilding and conflict transformation; they do not expect 那 an individual’s current interest area is necessarily related to the focus of their original Project for Peace.
官方的和平计划前受奖人评审委员会旨在表彰对建设和平与冲突转变领域表现出持续贡献,并为未来影响规划了明确前进道路的个人. 一般选择标准 包括:
  • Evidence of an enduring commitment, 随着时间的推移, to peacebuilding and conflict transformation. 申请人不必从事与原来的和平计划相同的问题或使用相同的方法.
  • Evidence of an enduring commitment, 随着时间的推移, to community engagement as well as public sharing of their actions and impact.
  • Evidence of an enduring commitment, 随着时间的推移, 在各自领域的建设和平和冲突转变方法中进行创新和创造.
  • 申请人清楚地阐明了如何将冲突转变与他们的建设和平方法相结合.
  • Evidence of productive engagement with conflicts 那 may underlie targeted issues. 冲突从破坏性的“我们对他们”的动态转变为建设性的接触模式, understanding and problem-solving.
  • Evidence of critical reflection on progress to date, and consideration of how their work could be expanded and/or revised in the future.
  • Potential impact of the award funds to accelerate or expand the awardee’s vision.
  • Regardless of their citizenship, at Wellesley applicants must adhere to Wellesley's travel policy for students and graduates. (问题可参考 fellowships@yoshino-k.com.)


  • 所有皇冠体育和平项目的候选人必须经过皇冠体育校园审查和提名过程. 皇冠体育每年最多可以提名两名候选人参加全国竞赛.  
  • Regardless of their citizenship, applicants must adhere to Wellesley's travel policy for students and graduates. (问题可参考 fellowships@yoshino-k.com. We're glad to talk over any concerns you may have.)
  • See the application checklist and timeline 有关详细信息, of application materials.
  • 我们热忱鼓励有兴趣的申请者通过握手预约奖学金顾问, to talk with a member of the 奖学金 team.  (Cannot find an available appointment? Drop by 奖学金 Pop-Up Advising: no appointment required; see our 事件列表 有关详细信息,.)
Please submit these materials via 这种形式 (或电子邮件 to fellowships@yoshino-k.com):

☐ Completed application in accordance with the 这里有官方说明, being sure to adhere to the official 和平项目 formatting and other instructions.
☐ Completed numerical budget as an Excel sheet (see official instructions, above).
☐ Your original 和平项目 Proposal and Final Report.
8.8.候选人释放 & Signature (see official instructions, above).
☐  Wellesley 奖学金 office signature document (请打印、签名 & 填上日期, 然后连同申请材料一起提交PDF扫描件或其他签名文件的图像)
☐  请同时要求 2 人写 推荐信: both of them should be willing and able to speak to your peacebuilding efforts. 例如,他们可能是项目合作者、课程导师、工作场所主管等. 请给出你的推荐信 这个链接 to support their letters; should they encounter any difficulty, they may email letters to fellowships@yoshino-k.com.



Application information shared with partner institutions.
Campus Deadline: 12:00 pm (​noon) EST on January 23, 2025
Applications should be submitted for Wellesley’s nomination.  Wellesley may nominate no more than at most two candidates each year.
Finalists will be interviewed, and may be asked to submit additional information.
的 one Awardee will be announced. (Unlike the Summer 和平项目, there is not one awardee per institution, 但只有一个总奖项.)


电子邮件 fellowships@yoshino-k.com or call 凯特琳Roberts-Donovan at 781.283.2347.