

We investigate the large- and small-scale workings of the universe—from atoms, 核, 基本粒子, 对行星, 星星, 和星系. 我们寻找自然界各种现象背后的统一原则. Our astronomy program serves the novice stargazer as well as committed majors.

韦尔斯利 was the second college in the nation to open physics research laboratories for undergraduates. 我们的世界级资源包括惠廷天文台, 被认为是本科生训练的绝佳场所. Our majors are uniquely equipped to challenge the status quo in astronomy and physics, 不仅仅是因为他们的课程和活动, but because their collaboration with classmates creates an appealing and nourishing environment for work and learning.


  • 使用的理论, 实验, 数学, and computational skills acquired in the classroom to solve problems in the real world and to model physical phenomena.

  • Develop basic scientific and physical reasoning and probleming solving abilities through contextualization, 近似, 分析, 和反射.

  • 通过课堂内外的工作培养研究技能, 既可以独立完成,也可以与他人合作完成.



Students will be able to explain the basic natural laws of the universe within the fields of classical mechanics, 电磁, 量子力学, 热力学和统计力学, 并认识到这些领域相互关联的本质. Students have the option to major in chemical physics or create an interdisciplinary major with courses at 韦尔斯利, 奥林大学, 和麻省理工学院.


Students will be able to apply an astronomer’s toolkit based on the properties of light, 事, 和重力来理解行星世界的生命故事, 行星系统, 星星, 星系, 以及宇宙的起源和命运. 的y will conduct their own observations at 写上天文台 and learn to interpret astronomical data using physical and 数学 models.


  • 的 21st-century Universe is weirder than 20th-century astronomers could imagine: its 事 is mostly dark, 暗能量的影响主导了它的演化, 而且它还在加速膨胀. 我们宇宙中的星系形状各异, 大小, and colors; they are cocooned in dark 事 envelopes and harbor monster black holes at their centers. This class will explore what we think we know about our Universe's makeup, history, and fate. We will develop some of the basic laws of physics necessary to understand theoretical cosmology and galaxy evolution and apply them to the interpretation of modern observations.


  • 怀廷天文台夜空的长曝光照片.

    写上天文台. 天文台设有教室。, 天文实验室设施, 天文图书馆, 教师办公室, 和ASTRO俱乐部. Nearly every clear night, our telescopes are used for teaching activities and research. 天文台定期向公众开放.

  • Students Alayna Shneider and Cora Barrett work on lasers in a physics laboratory room.

    激光实验室. 的 laser lab is used for single-photon experiments that highlight important properties of 量子力学 and quantum interference. We are proud to be one of the few undergraduate physics departments to run these types of experiments.

  • 科学中心的物理机械车间.

    机械车间. 这家商店供应精密金属零件, 仪器, 以及各种项目和需求的工具, 从学院的核磁共振成像仪到衬底样品和光电二极管支架. Physics 和工程 students learn to use hand tools and machinery as well as the engineering laser and 3D printers.

  • 一个学生在机械车间里使用立式磨机.

    我们这些“试验.韦尔斯利-Engineering实验室 offers professional-grade tools and machinery for hands-on learning and rapid prototyping, 包括3D打印机, 激光切割机, 以及电子工具和元件.


  • 教授 Battat and students in the Battat lab adjust a large metal apparatus as they work toward the development of a cryogenic facility

    教授 詹姆斯Battat is an 实验 particle physicist focusing on rare event detection. 他目前正在建造 新的中微子探测技术 为了精确测量中微子的性质, possibly transforming our understanding of neutrinos and their role in the universe.

  • 学生们在惠廷天文台望远镜室合影.

    教授 金麦克劳德 and her students use 韦尔斯利’s very own telescope to hunt for transiting exoplanets. 当行星的轨道正对时, each time it circles its host star it blocks a tiny fraction of the star’s light as seen from Earth (and 韦尔斯利!). 他们帮助发现了几个极热的、膨胀的行星,比如 凯尔特人-18b 作为 凯尔特人 团队,现在是后续团队的一部分 苔丝 卫星.

  • 星系和恒星的特写.

    教授 Lamiya Mowla is part of several teams analyzing early data from the James Webb Space Telescope. 他们开创性的发现 炯炯有神的星系 开启了研究星系成长及其母晕的可能性. 图片来源:NASA ESA CSA STScI

  • 艾琳·泰奇和一名学生在笔记本电脑上复习功课

    教授 艾琳·泰奇的实验室 主要关注软物质物理中的现象, 一个(通常)有黏糊糊的物质的领域, 易受热波动影响, 经常表现出惊人的自组织或其他突发行为. 学生使用数值模拟, 统计物理学, 以及网络科学来创造和探索这些材料的模型, 最终的目的是设计新的柔软和敏感的材料.


  • 物理学生学会

    我们部门社区的一个主要特点是, SPS organizes social events as well as panels on topics such as finding summer research opportunities, 申请研究生院(一旦你到了那里是什么样子), 以及物理专业学生的职业道路.

  • ASTRO俱乐部

    向各个层次的天文爱好者开放, ASTRO俱乐部 满足休闲观测,天文摄影和其他活动. 的 club organizes periodic evening events for the 韦尔斯利 community and members of the public to stargaze with our historic telescopes.

  • 学生的声音

    学生代表参加我们的部门会议. 学生实习生为教师提供建议,并帮助组织多元化, 股本, 以及部门内的包容活动.

  • 研究

    我们提供 研究和独立学习的机会 给一年级的学生. 以前的研究经验不是必需的,欢迎所有人.

  • 天文台的工作

    Students learn to operate our historic and modern telescopes and serve as nighttime lab assistants, 研究助理, 还有导游. 然后他们可以在皇冠体育的指导下进行研究, 在夏天, 和其他学校的教员 凯克东北天文学联合会.

  • 同伴支持

    而我们所有的课程都是由教师教授的, 我们的入门课程包括学习助理:大二学生, 初级, and senior majors who have taken a course on best practices for active learning and inclusive teaching. This type of peer-to-peer learning and support has proven highly valuable to both the learning assistants and the students in their classes.



的 College averages about 10 astronomy and astrophysics majors and 18 physics majors per year. 我们是美国的领导者.S. 文理学院授予女性物理学学士学位, 根据美国物理学会统计研究中心的数据. 我们的毕业生在各行各业都取得了成功, 包括研究, 学术界, 医学, 技术, 和工程, 以及科学以外的领域.


科学中心 & 写上天文台
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