方向 & 花园的地图

通过搜索找到我们 “WCBG游客中心” 在谷歌地图上, or "皇冠体育 Science Center" on other map apps such as Bing or Apple 地图. (你亦可搜索“全球植物" or "可食用的生态系统“因为那些花园的位置, but we suggest ignoring the walking 方向 from google; they do not reflect our garden paths and may mislead you.)


我们离火车站步行不远(约1英里) 韦尔斯利广场 MBTA通勤火车站.

  • 从韦尔斯利广场站出发, walk through 韦尔斯利 Ville downtown shopping sidewalks along Central St.
  • Enter the College Gate at the four-way intersection of Central St. 和韦斯顿, and follow the wide 沥青 path (Fiske path) bordering the Botanic Gardens along your right - you'll see some trees with labels on them and a sign for "Fiske Path entrance" down into the Arboretum
  • 你可以从这里开始探索植物园, or continue toward the Science Center at the end of Fiske Path, and begin either at the Kettle Entrance stairs into the Arboretum, or begin at the WCBG游客中心 / greenhouse during open hours



  • The Route 135 entrance is just east of 106 Central St, 韦尔斯利, MA 02481
  • The Route 16 entrance is at 727 Washington St, 韦尔斯利, MA 02481

Take the Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90) to Exit 13 (Natick/Framingham/Route 30). 走30号公路东0号.离第一组灯还有两英里. 在斯宾街右转,开1号车.离135号公路交叉口还有8英里. 左转到135东路,然后开3号路.6 miles to a traffic light, which will be at the main entrance of the College. 在这个红绿灯处右转进入皇冠体育. Take the first right, and then bear right to park in the parking garage.

Walk out of the garage and cross the street to the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center. Turn left onto the sidewalk in front of the campus center. 当你来到学院路的时候, take a right and continue walking along the sidewalk until you see Paramecium Pond on the other side of the road. 在人行横道上过马路. You are now in the 皇冠体育植物园.

走马萨诸塞州收费公路14号出口(韦斯顿). Go south on Interstate 95 (Route 128) for 1/2 mile to Route 16, Exit 21B. 沿着16号公路往西走2英里.9 miles to a stoplight (5-way intersection) in the town of 韦尔斯利. Bear left at this light (do not take a “hard” left) proceeding up the hill with the church on your right. 继续走大约四分之三英里,直到下一个红绿灯. 在这个红绿灯处向右转进入高速公路. 16 entrance to 皇冠体育 – there is a “皇冠体育” sign.

Drive the full length of College Road until you see the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center on your left. 就在校园中心后面, take a left-hand turn and then bear right to park in the parking garage.

Walk out of the garage and cross the street to the Lulu Chow Wang Campus Center. Turn left onto the sidewalk in front of the campus center. 当你来到学院路的时候, take a right and continue walking along the sidewalk until you see Paramecium Pond on the other side of the road. 在人行横道上过马路. You are now in the 皇冠体育植物园.

Take the Ted Williams Tunnel from the airport to the Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90); follow 方向 from the east (above).

走95号州际公路/ 128号公路到16号公路西,21号出口. 沿着16号公路往西走2英里.9英里,从东面(上图)出发.

The WCBG游客中心 is at the East entrance of the Science Center. The outdoor Botanic Gardens begins at Paramecium Pond by College Road on the west side, 并延伸到东边的菲斯克小路, with the 访问or Center and 全球植物 adjacent to the Science Center building.


校园停车是免费的. Click here for a visitor parking map and 方向.

平日里停车位非常有限 在游客中心附近,因为正在施工. 如果你没有行动不便的话, we strongly encourage you to park at the Davis parking garage, to prioritize nearby parking spots for those with mobility needs. We also encourage planning ahead to drop off guests with mobility difficulties 在游客中心 entrance, 然后把车停在戴维斯车库.

  • Free, all day visitor parking is available at the Davis parking garage on campus. 这是首选的全天访客停车场, and there are many spots available inside the garage. 这些停车位没有时间限制. 停车门是否随时放下, use the buzzer at the gate to connect to Campus Safety; let them know you are visiting the Botanic Gardens, 他们会让你进去的. Plan for a scenic ~10 min walk from the garage to WCBG游客中心, with beautiful views of the campus and outdoor botanic gardens along the way! 按上图浏览地图.
  • Limited, 2-hour visitor parking is available near the WCBG游客中心,尤其适合行动不便的人士. We will provide short-term parking passes to place on your dashboard for these spots, 在游客中心.
  • There are 3 total ADA/wheelchair accessible parking spots (2-hour limit) near the 访问or Center - 1 在游客中心 entrance, 科学中心北路2号, 与人行道相连.
  • There are 8 non-ADA parking spaces (2-hour limit) along the road next to the 访问or Center and the road leading to the Science Center North entrance.

欲了解更多信息,请查看学院 停车的指导方针.

Walking 方向 from Davis parking garage to WCBG游客中心: From the Davis garage, 沿书院道走, turn onto the paved path next to Paramecium Pond into the Botanic Gardens. (1) At bamboo arch on your right, enter the 可食用的生态系统. 继续往前走,经过科学中心北入口, 在科学中心的东侧, 游客中心/温室在前面. (2) Or, 继续沿着大学路走到创始人停车场, cross path toward the Science Center (past Mozard Sculpture), continue up the road by Science loading dock (全球植物 is visible on the hill, 在你的左边). Follow road to left, to the 访问or Center entrance.


We may reserve nearby parking spaces for classes, events, and tours. We will provide short-term event parking passes to place on your dashboard, 可在游客中心领取.


Town 停车 is metered during business hours, and free on Sundays/holidays.

  • There are many 2-hour metered town parking spots/lots a short walk from the garden, 沿中央街和威斯顿路.
  • 韦尔斯利广场MBTA有一个计费表停车场.

由于停车位有限, 我们建议尽可能拼车, or using public transit (韦尔斯利广场 MBTA station).
It is a 10-15 minute walk from the downtown MBTA lot or downtown parking spaces; enter at Fiske Path.

请联系 accessibility@yoshino-k.com 如有校园要求,请与我们联系 wcbgfriends@yoshino-k.com 有问题的. 我们很乐意为您提供住宿.

  • WCBG游客中心 has two ADA/wheelchair-accessible all-gender restrooms, water fountains, and a baby changing station.
  • G埃植物 温室小径都是残疾人/轮椅通道. 有 a ramp alternative to the stairway in the back. We suggest avoiding thin heels due to metal grating in some paths.
  • 室外花园 包括ada可访问和不可访问的路径. 请做好不平坦地形的准备, 各种路径材料(草), 污垢, 沥青, 金属光栅), 步骤, 以及取决于天气的挑战条件, 在一些地区.
  • 我们建议尽可能穿结实的鞋子.

Accessible parking spots are available near WCBG游客中心. 在“停车”中,上图.