Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are your hours of operation?

设施 is open for routine business Monday – Friday (excluding holidays) from 7:30 am – 4:00 pm. I you need to reach us after hours, contact the Campus Public Safety Office  at 781-283-2121.


What is an emergency situation?

An emergency is anything that affects your life, safety or that could cause personal harm or property damage if left unattended. Examples include: a fire, smoke detector beeping, a toilet overflowing (or any other water running over), 没有热量, no hot water or electricity, 水管破裂, 等.

Outside business hours, please contact the Campus Public Safety Office at 781-283-2121 for all facilities related emergencies.


What is a non-emergency situation?

Anything that does not immediately affect your life or safety. Examples include: broken shades, an overhead light is out or the bunking of beds.

Common space issues or concerns should be submitted by RAs, Professional Staff or Custodians. Non-emergency service requests should be submitted through the online service request tool.


How do I submit an online service request?

Access the WebTMA login site. For more information about logging into TMA, please read the help document.

Please note that the online service request should only be used for non-emergency services.


When I fill out a service request, do I need to put in a budget number?

Only for services outside of regular maintenance. There are billed to your department. Routine office maintenance includes: custodial services, 温度控制, repair or replacing lights and public areas. Billable services include: moving furniture, individual driving services, adding equipment to your office or classroom.


What do I do if I cannot enter my budget number to the FOAPAL line?

Occasionally a technical problem prevents a user from entering their FOAPAL. Please include your budget number in the description portion of the service request and we will input it for you.


Who do I call if I cannot access TMA to input my service request?

TMA is accessed through Wellesley College's secure network. If you are having trouble accessing the system, please call the LTS help desk at 781-283-3333.


What do I do if I need to edit or cancel my service request?

Please call the service line 781-283-2767.


I submitted a service request. How long will it take to resolve my problem?

You will receive an email confirming that your work order has been accepted. It is important to make note of your work order number in case you have questions about it. Depending on the nature of your request and the volume of work orders, we will schedule your request.

An emergency request is handled in 8 hours or less. A priority request is handled in 3 days or less. Other requests are handled within 5 to 10 days.

You will receive an email when the job is completed.


I submitted a service request for a repair in my dorm room. Is facilities allowed to go into my room if I’m not there?

设施 will always knock and check to see if you are there and will respect your possessions, 但是是的, our technicians will enter the space in order to be able to address the service problem.


What do I do if I am a student and am locked out of my room?

Go to your Resident Director or Area Coordinator. If they are not available, contact the Campus Public Safety Office  at 781-283-2121.

There will be a fee of $10 for each time a Resident Director, Area Coordinator or Campus Police must open your room.


What should I do if I am a student and I lost my key?

Request a replacement key from your Resident Director.


What should I do if I am a staff or faculty member and I lost my key?

Submit an online service request and include your budget number. You can expect a key within 24 hours. There will be a $10 fee for each replacement key.