

The 艺术 Department is an umbrella for five programs: 艺术 History, 工作室艺术, 体系结构, 电影与媒体研究(CAMS), 媒体艺术与科学(MAS). 学生可以主修或双主修这些领域中的任何一个, 他们还可以选择辅修艺术史, 工作室艺术, 或摄像头. We believe the rigorous study of art and visual culture is critical to a liberal arts education and to a person’s power to 解释, 形状, 掌握他们的环境.


  • 工作室艺术

    Investigate a range of artistic media to acquire technical proficiency and develop a personal material language.

  • 艺术历史

    Gain a critical awareness of visual culture and knowledge of art in its historical and global contexts.

  • 体系结构

    应用跨学科方法, 重要的理论, and professional ethical codes to 解释ing 体系结构 and urban form.

  • 电影 & 媒体研究

    在反对审查制度的斗争中发挥代理作用, 错误信息, and surveillance that affect media 生产 and consumption.

  • 媒体艺术 & 科学

    检查, 分析, 解释, and critique digital media applications to achieve a well-rounded understanding of both art and computer science.


  • 作为对非洲艺术和建筑的介绍, this course explores the meaning and the contexts of 生产 within a variety of religious and political systems found throughout the continent, 从埃塞俄比亚, 刚果民主共和国, 和马里, 举几个例子. We will consider important topics such as the ancient art outside the Nile Valley sphere, 王权的象征, and the aesthetic and spiritual differences in masquerade traditions. We will pay special attention to traditional visual representations in relation to contemporary African artists and art institutions. (afr264和ARTH 264是交叉列出的课程.)
  • This intermediate level studio course addresses a range of sculptural approaches by way of various materials, 包括粘土, 木, 金属, 石膏, 和纸板. Each of these materials will be used to explore a specific technique or sculptural method such as carving, 建模, 或制造. 到学期末, emphasis shifts towards the completion of more independent projects and conceptual questions regarding the tangible impact of materials, 功能, 以及雕塑艺术的历史.


  • 我们的画廊

    We exhibit work by visiting professional artists and our own student artists in galleries throughout the 朱伊特艺术中心 and in Pendleton West. 在每学年结束时, all of the spaces are turned over to the Senior and Thesis Exhibition, 当我们的毕业生展示他们的作品时.


  • 图书馆书架的特写镜头. 两个学生在后台浏览书架.

    艺术图书馆. Our art and 体系结构 library collections cover the history, 理论, 批评, 以及视觉艺术的实践. 包括书籍, 展览目录, 期刊, 并且可以访问视觉艺术的主要数据库

  • 印在印刷机上的金属字母.

    图书艺术实验室. 学生学习排版, 凸版印刷, 手装订, 以及书籍艺术实验室的装饰纸技术, 是安妮斯出版社的所在地.

  • 有175个座位的柯林斯电影院.

    柯林斯电影. Featuring two 35 mm 投影仪 and cinema seating with a capacity of 175, 柯林斯电影院举办CAMS课程, 特殊的程序, 和学生电影协会放映.

  • 九名学生站在戴维斯艺术博物馆的画廊里. Five are looking at a colorful modern art statue while the rest are looking at artwork on the walls.

    戴维斯博物馆. 首页 to distinguished permanent collections from around the globe, 戴维斯博物馆收藏了一件丰富的, wide-ranging collection of global art from ancient Egyptian sculptures to contemporary photography. We make extensive use of the collections to teach in the direct presence of art.

  • A laser cutter imprints the 艺术 Department logo, a black cat, into a piece of 木.

    数字制作工作室. 一些数字制造工艺, 包括3D打印, 激光切割, vacuforming, 和焊接, 在数字制作工作室可用吗. 艺术系学生创作原型, 道具, and works of art that combine digital rendering and preparatory processes with physical materials, 探索2D和3D的新工作方式.

  • 五个相机镜头放在一个黑色的架子上.

    设备笼. The cage is a one-stop shop for art students who need equipment rentals or art paper. 学生可以购买专属的画纸进行绘画, 画, 还有版画课, 或借用媒体器材拍照, video, 新媒体课程.

  • 空荡荡的媒体室. 中间有一张桌子和七把灰色的椅子.

    数字输出和flex媒体 房间. 在这个房间里, art students can work on a variety of projects in both physical and digital media, 使用扫描仪, 照片打印机, 投影仪, 还有带有彩色校准显示器的电脑.

  • A student stands in the middle of an interactive art piece in the 朱伊特美术馆.

    朱伊特美术馆. 艺术部门的大型展览空间, 朱伊特美术馆 is an extended teaching facility for the 工作室艺术 Program.

  • Three students and a professor install a sculpture 形状d like a cornucopia into the 朱伊特雕塑馆.

    朱伊特雕塑馆. 这个洋溢着, 多层的房间作为一个展览空间, 与艺术有关的学生俱乐部的聚会场所, 还有一个给学生的位置, Faculty, 让员工在课间出去玩或工作.

  • 一面镜子放在空荡荡的舞台中央. 整幅画被粉红色和蓝色的灯光照亮.

    照明工作室. 在这个专门的工作室空间, students create flexible and customizable lighting setups for a variety of photography, video, 以及基于安装的项目. The attached audio recording suite has a soundproofed 房间 and a mixing and editing space.

  • An empty 媒体艺术实验室 with multiple desktop PCs set up at tables. 前景中的PC显示的时间是2:04.

    媒体艺术实验室. The 媒体艺术实验室 contains Alienware computers with dual monitors and Wacom tablets, 以及高质量的打印机, 平板扫描仪, 高清投影机, 3D打印机, 还有乙烯基切割机. 机器上安装了各种各样的软件包, 包括Adobe Creative Cloud, Light房间, Final Cut Pro X, 和Autodesk Maya.

  • 一间被橘黄色灯光照亮的空荡荡的黑暗房间.

    摄影暗房. 用放大机, 发展中洗澡, 和其他设备, dark房间 is home to analog photography classes and projects.

  • A modern printing press sits in the foreground of an empty 扬抑抑格机.

    版画工作室. 扬抑抑格机, 艺术系的版画工作室, has a variety of presses 和其他设备 necessary to make lithographs, 蚀刻, 木刻版画, 还有许多其他种类的印刷品. A separate studio is dedicated to papermaking and screenprinting

  • A private 房间 with mounted speakers, a flat screen TV, and two monitors.

    视频编辑套件. These soundproofed 房间s have permanently installed equipment to facilitate the editing of digital video, 动画, 以及基于音频的工作.

  • 一个学生在一个空无一人的木工车间里使用锯子.

    木材,金属和石膏店. The 木 shop spans several 房间s and includes a hand tools work area, 雕塑区与石膏室, 还有更复杂机械的空间. The shop has a circular saw, band saw, drill press, and CNC machine.


  • 参观当地博物馆

    韦尔斯利 students, Faculty, and staff enjoy free admission to the 哈佛艺术博物馆, 美术博物馆 (带身份证),以及 伊莎贝拉·斯图尔特·加德纳博物馆 (代码).

  • 学生资助

    适用于艺术系的专业和未成年人,爱丽丝T. 弗里德曼捐赠基金支持研究, 旅行, 实习, or special projects intended to help students prepare for careers in the arts.

  • 戴维斯博物馆合作

    Students can apply to work at the 戴维斯博物馆 as student workers/docents, 暑期实习生, 以及 戴维斯博物馆学生咨询委员会

  • 早期职业支持

    爱丽丝C. Cole ’42 Studio Project Grant provides project-based funding to recent 皇冠体育 graduates for the development, 生产, 以及绘画和雕塑新作品展览. 爱丽丝C. Cole ’42 Fellowship is awarded to an emerging painter or sculptor, 资助一年不受阻碍的时间和空间进行实验, 制定工作计划, 关注未来的艺术目标.



我们的大多数毕业生都在创意领域工作, 比如美术, 体系结构, 电影和电视, 广告, 和设计. Some pursue careers in software development and online industries. A considerable number of graduates earn advanced degrees, with some working in higher education.

